Next WT Study....... Alcohol!!!

by Doubtfully Yours 36 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    It should be most interesting. 1 out of 3 in my actual congregation has a heavy drinking problem.

    I'd say that's the 'sin' that is way, way overlooked by the WTBTS. In the Spanish side of the house, they have to overlook it or else they'll diminish their leadership in large numbers. I mean, I don't know if it's the frustration of their meaningless jobs or what, but so many of the Spanish brothers have such a bad drinking problem, it's not even funny!!!

    Hubby is pretty strict about many WTBTS stuff, but he has days that he can drink anyone under the table, and I join in, of course.


  • xjw_b12
    In the Spanish side of the house, they have to overlook it or else they'll diminish their leadership in large numbers. I mean, I don't know if it's the frustration of their meaningless jobs or what, but so many of the Spanish brothers have such a bad drinking problem, it's not even funny!!!

    DY I think drinking problems transcend nationalities.

    Oh and JWs don't have drinking problems, but wordly people do.

  • Satanus

    It reminds me of when i was in bethel. One of the bethel overseers took me to a vip jw's to do a job on his house. We all got totally blasted on high quality whisky.


  • Room 215
    Room 215

    It must be a real big problem for the WTBTS to warrant an entire study article devoted to the subject. It's been my experience that alcoholism is prevalent among JWs; it's the only socially acceptable/legal palliative available to them to relieve the unremitting drudgery of their lives.

    The drinking culture is part of the social fabric at Bethel too. In fact, during my stint there, I remember at least six cases so severe as to warrant professional intervention. Two of these were women married to higher-ups and all were long-time members of the family, the men with responsible white-collar-type jobs (writing, legal, service depts).

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    If the WTBTS decided to disfellowship based on excess alcohol consumption, they'd let go 1/3 of its members. No doubt in my mind about it!

    I mean, the problem is huge with that bunch. Even when they make little parties that supposedly are alcohol-free, you'll have a group that will keep going outside to the parking lot for a drink in their car. You'll see little groups outside spiking their drinks with heavy alcohol.


  • JustTickledPink

    I have numerous JW family members that drink heavily every day... they have raised their children to drink also... my cousins drank straight whiskey and bottle after bottle of wine (like coke) when I visited last. It was a shame because they had to dull their lives just to make it through the day.

  • FairMind

    Alcohol abuse is a problem in society in general. I don’t think it is any worse in the congregations of JWs then anywhere else but it is just as bad. I remember a CO in an address to our congregation mentioning that statistically one in seven adults (JW or not) had alcohol problems. He went on to say that there was no reason to think that this same ratio did not also apply to JWs.

    Drunkenness is a sin that the WTS has failed to address in a serious manner. In the past, information as to the seriousness of alcohol abuse has not been anything other than lip service and I wonder if the current WT article really suggests a change. Years ago I went to the elders in my congregation to confess what I felt was a drinking problem (I actually wanted help). There was neither action taken against me nor help given. In fact I was led to believe that whether or not one had a drinking problem had to do with how well they could hold their liquor. Eventually I stopped drinking but with no support from the brothers.


  • what_Truth?

    how long before we see an article on perscription drug abuse? That's the vice that had my congregation sprung

  • jgnat

    How about all-JW teen raves? After all the BIG SIN is bad association. All-JW events must needs not go overboard, right?

  • upside/down

    It's called "self-medicating", I've never seen such devotion to alcohol as among Dub's. One of the few vices they can "legally" do.

    It's amazing the things I've heard come out of elders (esp. my father in law) once they two cocktails down. Holy crap if I'd only had a video camera. Isn't black mail a sin?

    While ALL CULTURES & FAITHS suffer alcoholism, it's the Dub's who claim the "higher standard", thus they MAKE THEMSELVES THE TARGET! I think they're the ones that love to say "Judge no lest ye be judged".

    Pure Hypocrites


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