Gordy: Had to attend another congregation were the support was zero, I had one "shepherding" call in three years
Not to "high jack" a thread but I have to comment on this one. The truth is that most elders are too messed up themselves emotionally and mentally to do shepherding calls. I asked a CO once what encouragement are elders supposed to get and he replied: "from each other, if you really need help beyond that you should not be an elder anyway" Its the blind leading the blind. For most elders it isnt lack of love its working full time, taking care of their own kids, their own homes, working on parts almost every week, and getting little or no support from the society. What little support they do get are from clueless CO's.
Most CO's cant help because they have been in full time service for 20-30 yrs and only recently left their parents basement when they were called into CO work. Or worse yet, went to Bethel at 19 and left to be a CO.. never working in the real world a day in their lives. Now how can they undertand what the average person goes thru.
The whole system is a sham.