I'm sorry to hear of this tragedy. There is no pain greater than that of losing a child.
Horrible News!
by KKLUV155 25 Replies latest jw friends
That is so sad and horrible.
new light
That poor family. What a terrible tragedy.
I am so sorry to hear of this tragedy! I hope they can get the boy some therapy. To live with that guilt for his whole life will be devastating to his future. No doubt the parents feel overwhelming guilt as well. I trust they will find some healing and peace.
Best wishes,
Sherry -
Good god, that's horrible!! But why and how does an 8 year old have access to a loaded gun???!!!
Awfull !!!
Good god, that's horrible!! But why and how does an 8 year old have access to a loaded gun???!!!
Loaded that's the point !!!
I've been guilty of having one in my bedroom hight on a shelve (I just forgot about it) and this tradegy almost happen to us my niece directed the gun on my son who yieled to her it was a real one and loaded (he knew - but not where it was) that's when I enter my room were the kids were "playing" she directed it at me ... I'm glad she believed me
Country Girl
That is so horrible!!! Those poor family members...
My prayers will be with them.
Horrible - But how was this 8 year old able to take a rifle in the first place ?
Here, in the Netherlands, nobody is permitted to keep fire weapons at home (or any other weapons - not even pepper spray), unless you are a regular member of a fire weapon club AND you have a solid safe - closed with a key - were you kept your weapons and ammunition.
Possessing weapons is forbidding out here (even a policeman is'nt allowed to take his guns at home)
never the less for the family members this is a very tragic occasion that never should have happened.
My sympathy.
Sorry. Thait is about as big a tragedy as a family can go through.
(I wish some could save the political, anti-gun comments for another thread)
So sorry to hear about what happen to your friend. Hope you will be able to support her during this time. Kindness and compassion from others is what keeps one able to hang in there till the pain eases .