Unity vs. Uniformity

by confusedjw 10 Replies latest jw experiences

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    This helped to realize that what Jesus taught is really at odds with what the Org. would have us believe God wants of us.

    Jesus wanted real, internal changes, much like what anthropologists call a "mazeway realignment." He condemned the rule-driven lifestyle that is so much the norm for any good Dub. As I grew in my understanding, I was repulsed by the increasing devotion of oneself to the Org. before everything else being preached from the podium. I was shocked by the constant aggrandization of the "FDS" and the continued emphasis on rules, rules.

    Amen Brother!

    This was a big part of my thinking as I started the 'fade'. I could never get in harmony of the religio-partiotic principle of "my religion right or wrong'. I know that the Lord could not agree with that notion, and he told the Pharasees that many times. I did too. Somehow they have not DF'd me yet - but they hate me just the same. Hey - isn't hate wrong too? LOL


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