Looking back, it took me along time before I would consider having a blood transfusion. Funny how you leave and some stuff lingers in your belief system.
District Overbeer
by JH 33 Replies latest jw friends
Looking back, it took me along time before I would consider having a blood transfusion. Funny how you leave and some stuff lingers in your belief system.
District Overbeer
Not one dang thing, except:
A number of years back (about '82 - oh gawd, 23 years!) I had a heated conversation with a good friend on the blood issue and why I wouldn't take a blood transfusion, even though I was no longer a witness. She worked for the Red Cross. I pointed out hepatitus, and other blood borne diseases that are transmitted through blood transfusion, and I noted how deadly AIDs was and how it possibley could be transmitted through transfusions.
She adamantly supported the Red Cross' stand on AIDs not being transferred through transfusions. I counter with they just don't know enough about the disease yet, and I'm not going with a pat answer like that.
Guess what? The Red Cross was wrong and hundreds of thousands of people died because of it.
Today, however, I would consider a transfusion, especially with my own blood during a pre-scheduled surgury.
PS She's still one of my closest friends.
I guess some beliefs are easier to get over than others. It may take siginifacantly longer to get over the blood transfusion issue due to its close association with medical health and wellbeing, but it would take much less time (say five minutes) to get over a belief that said I had to get up very early Saturday morning to go door-knocking. Sigh. I think I'll just turn over and catch some more sleep.
That the Virgin Mary did not remain a virgin after the birth of Jesus, and that she had more children.