Im new to this site so please dont laugh when i ask this...but i am having difficulties with the terminologies.
What are they?
by BigG 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Im new to this site so please dont laugh when i ask this...but i am having difficulties with the terminologies.
What are they?
And I meant DUBS??!!!!
"Jay dub ull yooz"
dubs is our slang for Witnesses, JW's=J Dubs..
DUPs=those poor slobs from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan...
District Overbeer
I'm kinda new too, but here's a few I've figured out:
BTW = by the way
LMAO = laugh my ass off
IMO = in my opinion
IMHO = (santimoniously) in my "humble" opinion (very Dub)
;) or :( = happy/smiley face
u/d = upside/down meee..
FOAD = F*ck off and die
I actually need to learn more too HELP!
I probably don't know what people are saying about me...... OMG (oh my God)!
And let us not forget "bOrg", referring to the "Organization" as a "collective", like the Borg on Star Trek.
Like Picard, we are the few and fortunate that were able to become un-assimilated!
GB - governing body.
LOL - laugh out loud.
IMO, IMHO - in my opinion, in my humble opinion.
BS - book study.
ROFL - Roll on the floor laughing.
J/K - just kidding!
ROTFLMAO = Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
DSMIHNMA - Don't Sue Me, I Have No Money Anyway (OK, you won't see this one too often, but it's fun to know!)
YMMV - Your Mileage May Vary
Both can follow advice given, to indicate that it may work, it may not. Either way, you're on your own!
And of course, DHAGP - Dave Has A Good Point (This one's never actually come up, but just in case...)
Ironically, the first time I heard the term J dub was from my JW sister.