1 Thess. 5:21: The Forgotten Verse

by Room 215 3 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    It seems that the WT is distancing itself from what was once one of their favorite texts, ``Make sure of all things;" they even published a handbook with that as its title. It now appears, however to have fallen into neglect/disuse as its message would appear to be an invitation to the Internet and other sources of independent information.

    I haven't done a word search on recent publications, but I would bet that this text is invoked a lot less frequently than in the past.

  • Klaus Vollmer
    Klaus Vollmer

    I think they stopped that book because therein they honored the Greber Bible regarding John 1:1. Johannes Greber who received this translation from the spirit world confirmes the same text understanding like the NWT.

    Already in the 50ies the WT explained that Greber is a medium. But his work was good enough to underline the WTS -philosophy.

    Perhaps this book also is rejected in case of the Raymond Franz happening where some others from the Bethel in the early 80ies were fired - like Ed Dunlap etc.

    So this book expresses the awareness of WTS to separate from maninds work in case of their own personal that was sent into desert. The reasoning book is in use now since many years, in spite the make sure book was never too much worse. Like the aid-book which had the same process in disappearing in the bookshelfs.

    chamaleon WTS is always active in shaping its presence, past and future

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Klaus, I wasn't referring to the use of the book by that name; I was referring to the Society's use of that scripture in their articles. I suspect that they're careful not to encourage independent research and investigation from non-JWs sources.

  • Narkissos

    Just found two quotations in 2003, one as part of a "personal experience" and the other in an obviously French article.

    Awake! 12/22

    James, moved by the Witnesses? personal interest, accepted a Bible study. He scrutinized everything, wanting to be sure of what he was learning. (Acts 17:11; 1 Thessalonians 5:21) In time, James felt he had found the truth. However, I was feeling torn apart inside. I wanted to do what was right, but I didn?t want to "go modern" and be counted "worldly." When I first agreed to sit in on the Bible study, I had the King James Version on one knee and the more modern New World Translation on the other. I checked every verse in both translations to make sure that I wasn?t being misled.

    Watchtower 4/15

    The book of Proverbs, chapter 6, verse 20, encourages those who want to please God: "Observe, O my son, the commandment of your father, and do not forsake the law of your mother." Rather than recommending blind obedience, such counsel exhorts youths to accept godly standards by deepening their faith and by taking their own stand for God. The apostle Paul invited his companions to "make sure of all things," to check whether what they were being taught was in harmony with the Word of God and His will, and to act accordingly.?1 Thessalonians 5:21.

    As a general remark, I agree that the WT seems to be slipping gradually from an offensive to a defensive position. As most religions do as they grow older.

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