I don't consider myself an overly emotional person, but Gina and I went to an art museum years ago and I was nearly in tears over something I saw there. It was a statue of an old man carrying a jug. It was made two thousand years ago. Here I was, looking at this man that lived two thousand years ago. He was old, probably a grandfather, maybe a great-grandfather. He was born, had a childhood, married, raised kids. And died. But here he was, frozen in time. An anonymous old man, carved in stone by an anonymous artist.
I can't put in words what struck me about this work. Gina liked it, but it didn't touch her like it did me. There was a postcard picture of it in the gift shop, but I didn't buy one. It wouldn't have had the "power" of the statue itself, so there was no point for me. I knew then and there that if I had the money I would buy that statue and treasure it forever.
Are there any objects that moved you like this?