Are they now in heaven? Hell? Sleeping??
What Do You Think Happens To Our Loved Ones That Die?
by minimus 23 Replies latest jw friends
To me, it appears as though normal chemical reactions continue, resulting in the body breaking down.
Doubtfully Yours
Not even sleeping. Just completely nonexistent. Only my believe, though.
I don't see what's so hard to accept or understand about the state of non-existence. Everyone wants to believe we might have a soul or spirit that is immortal, or that we go somewhere. As stated above, how about just looking at biology and seeing that cells have birth, life, and death cycles. The atoms and elements go back to the earth and that's it.That's how I believe it to be anyhow.
Once you cut a tree down and you burn the wood, you never question where did the tree go... It didn't go anywhere, it is just gone, burned, non-existent.
Our being born wasn't some sort of miracle, the sperm and ege got together and we became a human, like any other living being. So I guess we die just like the other animals. I've not seen any indication of anything else but that we're gone when death comes. If there is something beyond this life, bring it on.
Ken P.
jt stumbler
A tree I don't recall has ever been said to have or be a "soul". I use to sometimes envy"christendom" because some believe that their loved ones do go to a better place. At least that sounds better than just the end period.
So Ken, I guess this rules out "doggy heaven", huh?
They cease to exist, except in the memories of those who knew them and if they were famous, in books or film. In some ways, they become bigger than life at that point, they continue to exist as a belief, an idea, an ideal, an icon.
So Ken, I guess this rules out "doggy heaven", huh?
I may have sent a few cats and dogs to heaven if that's where they go. Not that I don't like them, I have a couple in the house now but sometimes I treat them like God does us if we make him mad.
Ken P.
Dogs can always poop on ya.