Apostates at assemblies...

by TheApostleAK 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • TheApostleAK

    Anyone here got any stories about apostates going on the rampage at any meetings, assemblies, conventions.

    I haven't seen any but a young witness told me that his previous cong. called the police to a meeting cos a DF person went apesh*t once.

    Also, all Aussie JW's should know about the riot at a Glenelg convention in Adelaide in the 1940's where apostates rushed to the sound equipment and some JW stood in there way and kinghit one of them. (See 1983 Yearbook).

    From The Apostle AK

  • Jimmer

    I once picketed a convention. I suppose by the borg's definition I am an apostate.
    I wouldn't call my peaceful picketing on the public sidewalk a rampage. However, I would call the borg's attempts at squelching freedom of expression on public grounds reprehensible.
    Funny thing is, while all the borg filed out with looks of dismay and anger towards me, I was having a pleasant conversation with an interested nineteen year old.

    Ya gotta love it!

  • Winston

    I went to a DC at the Cow Palace in San Francisco this year and brought the books "Crisis of Conscience" and "Combating Cult Mind Control".

    I got there real early so I could pick my seat and chose a isle seat in the front pull out section. They had a lot of traffic in this isle.
    I then proceeded to pull out both books and put them where the most persons could read, them their titles are quite large.

    All durring the mourning session I was holding up one of these books and reading it. I was getting some glares and stares. I was not DF'd at the time and many people their knew me, sense it was our congregation's DC.

    As I was walking around the place durring noon intermission, I was aproached by a couple of attendants and told that I had to hide the books or else they would force me to leave. After they made it clear they would not tolerate and public display of my books I decided to comply with their ultimatum and leave.

    They had six good size attendants follow me as I left. They wanted me to take the non conspicuos route but I chose to take the long way thru the most traffic in the place. It was really quite funny I keep looking back at the six guards as they followed me around the place. They even escorted me to my car, to make sure I talked to no one. I tried conversing with my new body guards but when I made any points they would tell me to stop talking, they seemed afraid of what I had to say.

    Even when I got to my car they all surrounded it and walked along side of it as I drove to the exit. I told them I didn't pay for any parking ticket. They said that's okay it was on them(ha ha).


    The Never Ending Search For Truth

  • slipnslidemaster
    I wouldn't call my peaceful picketing on the public sidewalk a rampage. However, I would call the borg's attempts at squelching freedom of expression on public grounds reprehensible.

    Jimmer, would you elaborate?

    Winston, good for you.

    Slipnslidemaster: "The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad."
    - Salvador Dali

  • JWinSF

    Which DC did you go to? We advertised our support group on the opposite side of Geneva Avenue for most of the June DC's. We've not gone to the Spanish speaking ones because none in our group speaks Spanish.

  • Yerusalyim

    "Entonce, prender espanol, por favor!"

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • Winston


    I only went on 6/20/01 to the Cow Palace. And didn't see your group then probably because I left right after they kicked me out. I went their to give all 5 elders a copy of my appeal letter.

    And latter at my appeal they said I was handing out literature at the convention which was not true because I only was passing out my appeal letter to the 5 elders involved.

    I not stupid enough to even think anybody would ever be seen excepting apposing literature at a convention (to much peer pressure).

    Anyway it was a memerable experiance and I would encourage anyone to try it, if you don't mind a little scorning.

    Who knows you might get someone to think for themselves.

    The Never Ending Search For Truth

  • Billygoat


    LOL! You're boldness cracks me up! I love it! I wish I had the brains and the guts to make more of a scene when I was DFed. The more bad publicity the WTS gets, the more people will notice what a fraud it is. My heart aches for those still trapped in the Tower and don't even know it.


  • TheApostleAK

    Jimmer: Talking to the 19 yo would of really pissed them off....they've got enough young ones leaving now as it is.

    The Apostle AK

  • Winston

    Billy goat,

    I think we need to get our heads together and come up with some way to get information to the average JW. Maybe their is something starring us right in the face and we don't even know it. I mean something simple that we never tried maybe some one out there got a real good idea that is worth a shot.

    I think people who picket are doing something very valuble. It's just not what I would do.

    Maybe some lurker out there has a good idea and might be something that you would do and I woundn't but together if everybody did something who knows what can be accomplished. We got a lot of good thinkers out there.

    I like to give a special thanks to those who accomplish a lot on the Internet. They helped me.

    The Never Ending Search For Truth

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