I am starting again. Could someone delete my first futile attempt. That is if this one works.
Because your parents and I are probably of a similar vintage I just wanted to let you know what the ?clincher? was for me. I was devastated me when I realized that the WBTS was DELIBERATELY trying to deceive us. I was not aware that up until at least 1929 they had been teaching that Christ had returned in 1874. When I discovered that and put it together with the quote below I realized that it was a deliberate calculated effort to deceive. That?s when they lost me.
The greatest Man who ever lived. 1991
*** gt chap. 132 At God?s Right Hand ***
A careful study of Bible prophecies, including Jesus? own prophecy regarding the last days, reveals that ?the Lord?s day? began in the history-making year 1914, yes, within this generation! So it was in 1914 that Jesus returned invisibly, without public fanfare and with only his faithful servants being aware of his return. In that year Jehovah gave Jesus the command to go subduing in the midst of his enemies.
The latest example of this deception is in the Watchtower March 1 2004 page 14 paragraph 6
?After speaking of ?that evil slave,? Jesus gave two parables to show why some anointed Christians would prove to be faithful and discreet while others would not. To illustrate discretion, he said: The kingdom of the heavens will become like ten virgins that took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish, and five were discreet. For the foolish took their lamps but took no oil with them, whereas the discreet took oil in their receptacles with their lamps.? (Matthew 25:1-4). The ten virgins remind us of anointed Christians before 1914. They had calculated that the bridegroom, Jesus Christ, was about to make an appearance. Hence, they ?went out? to meet him, boldly preaching that ?the appointed times of the nations? would end in 1914. Luke 21:24.?
MacHislopp started some brilliant threads exposing the WBTS> I am sure that if you could get some of the info to your parents it would help. I have included the links to his expose of the WBTS attempt to rewrite their ?1914? history.
His title was interesting:
1874 v. 1914 date change a masterpiece of forgery and deception!