I was the "bad association" for the young hero of that riveting tale. All I could think of was the drama ending, going to lunch and sucking down a couple of Muff'n'eggs followed by a danish, washed down with some shasta, and a pudding cup. I just prayed my mom would rashion me out enough food-tickets to handle the job.
Was anyone an actor in the District Convention Dramas?
by Low-Key Lysmith 23 Replies latest jw friends
Low-Key Lysmith
Do they even still have dramas at the Dist. Conv.?
Big Tex
I was one of the two spies who saved Rahab. The next year I was an accidental murderer who fled to one of the cities of refuge with the dead boy's father in high speed pursuit waving an axe.
They were a lot of fun, although those stupid beards were a pain. Made me glad men don't wear skirts. Those outfits are drafty!
I never did partake, there was already too much drama in the local kingdom halls. However, my uncle played moses, my aunt played sarah my cousins did the rightous kids scetches. Then they played other characters sevral times but I cant remember now, I just remember them sweating it like they were going to be up for a grammy or something.
Dave was Joshua in the Rahab drama, and I was an Israelite woman.
In the Jezebel drama, Dave was Jehu.
In the 1995 drama, Dave was one of the main elders, discussing assisting the elderly, and I was the daughter of one of the elderly women portrayed. Our youngest son was a teenager, who mowed the lawn for an elderly couple. Dave's picture, taken during that drama was in the January 1996 WT, about the dramas. We were already fading, so got a good laugh over that one. I can't remember if it was the 1st or the 15th.
Yes I was in a drama and I also worked behind the scenes preparing the actors with paint, beards, costume fitting etc..
I was in a modern drama about paying attention to conduct in the congregation. I was in a pantomine. And I had lots of parts on summer conventions in the mid sixties, before I moved to quebec in 1970.
I recall one brother in our French congregation was getting ready for his part in the drama. All that was left to do was his beard and trimming. Well for some reason we were running behind and the drama was nearly up. So I take the sissors and trim this brothers beard and for a split second my attention was distracted and I cut the brothers cheek and blood was poring out of his face. I was mortified and he was stunned. Anyway we managed to stop the blood and he did his part. With much pain I must confess. It bothered him for several days after. It was a deep gash and the wierd thing is this brother was in my cong. and he never let me live it down for years. We always had a good chuckle about it .
Yes there were some fun times.
Yes I was in a drama in the late 1980s
Anyone ever played Korah? ;-)
I too was a character on a drama a few times, I was one of the three Hebrews thrown into the fiery furnace once. Also a poor peasant in the reign of king David begging for relief of hardship. My last drama was acting the part of one of princes in the time of David taking our itineraries for visiting the cities and making arrangements for their needs, blah blah blah. What I thought was so stupid was the elder in charge of it all told us we could not wear our beards after the days events, go home with them or other wise I told them to pound sand I was never asked to do dramas again, well stick it in your ear then. I seen the elder in charge of directing the rehearsals begin fighting with one other elder that was in the cast because the other felt that repeating it over and over again into the late night hours was way over board; it almost came to blows. My brother in-law did smack one of the cast memeber for goofing around, it was then I seen that love among the brothers is BS, the old crape about "ahh they are just imperfect should be applied to everyone then. Shane
Was in the (original) Paul drama...the long one.
Three Hebrews
I also worked costumes, sets and makeup. It was kinda fun.