Brought up as a Witness

by newbie-australia 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • newbie-australia

    I'm a newbie to anything like this. Are most people here ex-jws?

    Anyone brought up as witnesses from birth?

  • under74

    Hi newbie. Welcome to the forum.

    Yes, most of us are ex-JWs. I was born into the religion.

  • newbie-australia

    And are most here DF'd or disassociated themselves?

  • Aude_Sapere

    I was 9 when my parents started studying.

    My dad was elder by the time I was 11 (or equivalent until the 'elder arrangement came about)

    I pioneered for 3 years in my 20's while working full-time and supporting myself.

    Started to fade (from exhaustion and disillusionment) in my 3rd year of pioneering.

    It was a 9-year fade. I've been out for over a decade. Neither DF'd nor DA'd.

    I have almost no contact with my witness mother and witness sister.

    Care to share your story??


    PS: Ooops!! Forgot something: WELCOME TO THE BOARD!!

  • Brummie

    Welcome :)

    I dissasociated, I was 3rd generation JW. but my mom married outside of it so my dad never was a jW, but then my mom went back and I studied from when I was 7. Got baptised, pioneer ect, then I left, and then my mom left, and neither of us have been back ever ever again. My gran died a JW. I still have family in the cult. There, my life story in just one breath.


  • newbie-australia

    Brought up from birth and baptized very young.

    Was a total witness nerd until 17 or so when I started getting bored. DF's at 21 and that was 8 yrs ago.

    Got totally dumped by my family.

    Is it just my zealous family, or does everyone get TOTALLY dumped when DF'd?

  • newbie-australia


    When disassociated, did you do it technically (like a letter and they announced), or you just never went to meetings again?

  • Brummie
    or does everyone get TOTALLY dumped when DF'd?

    Everyone gets dumped as far as I know. I have heard of some whose family still speak, I havent spoken to my JW family since the day Ieft, wasnt even allowed to see gran or attend her funeral in the family funeral cars. I think that is the norm rather than the unusual. Sorry to hear about you're plight with them, maybe one day they too will wake up...all the best


  • Brummie

    I wrote a 9 page letter. I have no regrets, though some feel its wrong to write a letter becuase you are abiding by their rules, for me it was better to make the break, I couldnt stand running into them and pretending I was mega spiritual so I got it announced from the platform.


  • dh
    Is it just my zealous family, or does everyone get TOTALLY dumped when DF'd?

    I think more often than not, people get totaly dumped. I was born in and left when I was 18, never df'd. My brother is df'd. As a family we get on better now than we ever did, there was never any shunning.

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