Now PRINCE is a presenter with the golden globe awards...

by orbison11 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • orbison11

    well he did it again

    just was a presenter with the globe awards,,,i just don't get it

    my x was in the entertainment field, and he was so discouraged from doing ,,,well just about everything

    especially the fellowshipping with worldy people..hhmm


  • coldfish

    Is he actually a baptised JW or is it just rumors about him being involved with the JWs?

  • missy04

    I'm pretty sure he is baptized, and for sure is studying with the JW's.

  • under74

    I heard he was baptized.

  • missy04

    I did hear that he was baptized, too, but I don't know if that is a fact or a rumor.

    He had a concert at the Memphis Pyramid while I was in town (and attending meetings) and a friend of a friend was at the concert. Evidentally after the concert the lady and some other JW's went down and either Prince or someone from the band said "are you my brothers and sisters" and gave them a big hug. I guess he's all very serious about it and all......

    But I think that once (hopefully he does) realize that he is being fed lies, there will be alot of talk about it on the television. It will be a great way to warn people......

    And hey, maybe we'll have Prince on here going "I've been warned to stay away from sites like this....but..."

  • under74

    well, that would be nice since I love "Little Red Corvette" but he studied with Larry Graham from what I've heard... On top of that, he was raised Seventh Day Adventist which isn't far off from JW beliefs which makes him somewhat partial to the strict rules and bizarre I'm not gonna hold my breath even if I'd like to :)

  • toladest

    I'm trying to remember where the article was but he himself said in an interview that both he and his wife are baptized. They did a special private baptizm so as not to cause a specticle.

    I'm sure he donates enough money that he won't get into too much trouble unless he sacrifices a goat and drinks it's blood on stage. heehee Michael Jackson wasn't asked to DA until he did the Thriller video.

  • ddean3673
  • lonelysheep

    Yes, he is baptized. He went to hand me a require brochure at a concert, and I politely said no thank you.

  • Mulan

    Some JW friends, who still speak to us, are close friends of Larry Graham, and he is the one who studied with them too. The wife told me all about Prince, when I first heard of his involvement. Their son had gone to Minneapolis to visit the Grahams and met Prince, saying he is a tiny, very shy, little man, and seemed sincere about being a JW. Yes, he is definitely baptized.

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