LOL, Candy!!!!!!!
For the girls.....about men..
by missy04 20 Replies latest jw friends
I think he meant to tell me that he thought I was intelligent.
Oh, ok....Can you tell I need sleep LOL
DUH Sarah
...And...can you tell I am addicted to this board?
I've been saying "ok just gotta read a few more posts" for a while now And I need to get up in less than six hours
But it's so much funnn
Well, I'm not a girl but for years I had a nick that, apparently, was feminine-looking to a lot of foreign men so quite often I got msgd by guys from Pakistan! LOL Well, one time I got a msg from a French dude.....I still have the conversation saved on my hard drive:
him: hi
me: hi
him: I have picture to see of you
me: ever heard of a question mark?
him: ok
him: send pics plz
me: why?
him: why what?
me: send pics?
him: to see me
me: you don't know what you look like?
him: ok
me: well?
him: pics
him: je veux les images maintenants
me: ton français est le merde
him: LOL
him: I want to see how pretty you are
me: I'm pretty enough
him: I want to see
me: what?
him: your tools
me: hammer, shovel, ??
him: no
me: well?
him: tools
him: what
me: How old are you ?
him: 20 u?
me: 16
him: cooool pic plz tools
me: Are you the host of this old house or something? You're obsessed with tools!
him: you no fun :(
me: I'm a guy
him: no
me: yes
him: why
me: mom got unlucky I guess
him: ok bye -
ROFLMAO Seawolf!!!!!!!!!! OMG That was hilarious!!!!!!!!
I have a PM saved from Yahoo Messenger when I was chatting with a guy from the board the other night that was completely HILARIOUS, because we kept typing typos and it all just came out wrong, but I don't think I'd better post it
seawolf does sound funny.
hmmm....there must be something that could be said or done to get that posted, or at least let me see it LOL
LOL I'll PM it to you. It was kinda one of those things where you hadda be there but it was funny lol I would just post it here but it would have to be censored and then it just wouldn't be funny
Ya gotta pm