Puddy Cat Question..

by Englishman 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    George is my big, cuddly, long-haired Ginger Tom. I love him to be bits. He's a real in-your-face character cat. But oh dear oh dear...

    George has taken up digging. Not just occasionally when he needs to clean up after himself, but every time he goes out. He's in the flower beds, the bark weed suppressant, window boxes and even a couple of seed trays in which I'm attempting to grow some giant onions.

    Now I don't really care much that he's causing some chaos amongst the horticulture. Come spring and that will sort itself out. No, the problem is that when a long-haired animal takes up digging for a pastime, said long-haired animal become a very dirty, wet and muddy cat. I mean, absolutely filthy. He then tramps throughout the house leaving a trail of muddy footprints on the carpets, on the beds and on our new, white 2 piece suite!!!

    He's 7 years old and we've never had this problem before. Now, he's even taken to sitting in muddy puddles! I don't want to lock him out of the house, but we're nearly at our wits end trying to cope with his unusual behaviour and the apalling mess he's leaving behind him. I've even tried washing his paws under the tap but he does get a bit pissy when I do that...strange.

    So..anyone got any ideas about how to get our beloved puss back on the straight and narrow?


  • Poztate

    If it is the long hair that is the problem why don't you....

  • Satanus

    It could be a delayed adolecsent rebellion syndrome. Has he taken a liking for drugs, booze or inappropriate entertainment? I would check his litterbox for contrabrand or other unsavory materials

    Seriously though, that is wierd. If cats spend a lot of time outdoors they don't keep themselves as clean as indoor ones. I don't know, maybe keep him inside for a while. Are there any cat psychologists around?


  • Englishman

    He spends most of his time indoors drying himself from his latest adventure. The it's off out he goes to have another dig.

    Where's Brummie when you need him?


  • Tigerman

    C.H.A.U. CAT HEADS ARE US ( please see ad in Psychology Today )

    As a registered, telepathic cat psychologist I would like to help. Please place said animals paws against your computer screen and hold them there for 60 seconds. I will then get back to you with the answer to your problem.


    Dr. Pussman ; C.H.A.U.

  • Elsewhere

    I think you need to shave your puddy!

  • upside/down

    He said "puss"..... - Butthead

  • JH
  • Scully

    Our cat would dig in our houseplants - an equally big mess. The vet advised us that digging is an instinctual behaviour - in addition to digging to bury their droppings, they also dig to bury their waste food to mark their territory and so creatures they perceive as enemies don't find their leftovers easily.

    Apparently, the trick is to make your cat think that other cats have already claimed the territory. If you mix in aromatic stuff into your soil (citrus peelings all chopped up for instance) the cat will smell it and avoid the area.

    It's worth a try, eh?

    Love, Scully

  • Tigerman

    Yes, Mr. Englishman, I believe Mr. Elsewhere's advice is a the purrfect place to start. Like we say in the business, " A shaved puddy is a happy puddy."


    Dr.Pussman; C.H.A.U.

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