About a couple of years ago or so, the Society stopped mailing Awake and Watchtower. They used to send it via second-class mail on a yearly subscription basis. Now if you want them, you have to get them from your congregation.
It was a pretty drastic change for the organization, and I would guess it simply became cost prohibitive for them to continue to do so. I'm not sure about the validity of them being as financially solvent as one would think.
In New Zealand, growth among the JWs has become stagnant, albeit with periodic small increases. However, the small increases simply cover over the larger number who were active in the mid 1990s and are no longer "active".
So, if you take a longer view of their statistics in this country, a 1% increase here and there barely covers the losses sustained in earlier years. The amazing thing is, in larger cities such as Auckland, the immigrant JW congegations are overflowing - yet the end of year figures don't reflect this. My suspicion is that the drop off from New Zealand born JWs is larger than the figures suggest and that it is immigrant groups whose relatively big increases cover over the "mainstream" drop off (Does this make sense?.
Rapidly growing religions in New Zealand continue to be Christian pentecostal type groups and Islam. They've both left the JWs way behind.steve2
They probably have plenty of assets albeit? not necessarily very liquid. The GB is ultra conservative and you know how old folks are, afraid to spend the money they have because they might need it later.
About a couple of years ago or so, the Society stopped mailing Awake and Watchtower. They used to send it via second-class mail on a yearly subscription basis. Now if you want them, you have to get them from your congregationIt was a pretty drastic change for the organization, and I would guess it simply became cost prohibitive for them to continue to do so.
What do they do if "worldly" people want a subscription? Wouldn't they mail it to their homes? Or are they too cheap to do that now as well?
We live in one of the fastest growing areas in the U.S.; the population here has doubled in less than a decade and they are building and selling new houses so fast it makes your head spin. Meanwhile, our old cong went from over 130 publishers to about 80 in a few short years. There's hasn't been a single new congo formed in the area in 10 or 12 years, despite the amazing growth in population. Circuit assembly attendance for the same region has dropped about 20% in that same timeframe.
They'll say this is an isolated event, but it's my personal reality. It's what I see.