Shock and Awe 2:Electric Boogaloo
US Special Troops in Iran?
by Midget-Sasquatch 45 Replies latest social current
Sometimes I wonder if the conversation in some of these threads are emotionally based or factually based.
France and Russia had financial intrest in Iraq the U.N. was also involved.(OIL FOR FOOD SCANDEL)
The U.N. passed 17 resolutions which Saddam ignored.
All the evidence pointed to Iraq having WMD
Sadam gassed his own people in the north(300,000 in mass graves)
Almost 200,000 Sheites killed in the south.
John Kerry said in 2003 that Iraq did have WMD
He also came out in favor of Bill Clinton in 1998 who said Saddam did have WMD and used airstikes against Iraq
Saddam also paid Palastinian suicide bombers families sometimes 100,000$ for the young people that blew themselves up.
Who belives the claim that all of these other countries have terrorist problems but Iraq somehow did not?
Do you think the people were better off with saddam in power(remember the sheis and bathist only make up 20% of the population)?
There is always more to the situation than meets the eye.
It blows up in your face precisely because your "help" is nothing of the sort. You wonder why people despise America when they have suffered under the brutal dictators that you put in power? You expect their thanks for removing them?
Simon, my dear friend.
Is it possible it might have been better to refrain from using the pronoun "you" in the above quote? Just a hint - it might be a tad inflammatory.
Perhaps best to use "a nation" or "one might wonder" instead. Your use of the word personalizes the diatribe and is probably not what you meant to do.
Or I could be wrong.
Thanks for trying to make a mountain out of a molehill wasasister.
If you bothered to read, you will see that I was answering a quote that clearly used "we" and "our" and so "you" and "your" make perfect sense as the language to use in the reply.
Isn't it funny how we help some countries, and like, 20 years later, it totally blows up in our faces?
Two bobs worth:
Seymor Hersh is a highly respected and credible American journalist, so a great intaking of air was heard around the world when he revealed what he knew.
What warped idiot would conduct clandestine operations in Iran? (or Persia as Churchill prefered we call it)
Iran is a large mountainous country and any invasion will add to the long list of American failures throughout the region.
Americans are wonderful people, we all know that but they are ruled by ruthless multi national corporations with no loyalty but to the gathering of mighty dollars. Multinational US companies have now set up shop in mainland China and they flood us with cheap stuff produced in appaulling conditions .. but curiously the products are never marked "Made in Communist China".
If the 9/11 attacks may well have just been AlQueda revenge but it certainly played into the hands of the hawks in the US. We have much more to come now that the secret services have been given their power back in the name of anti-terrorism.
It's amazing the amount of fear and 'keep the wagon in a circle' type crap our government is propagating in the easy going australian psyci .. the only terrorists found in Australia have been a few unarmed ignorant Arabs and a few unarmed ineffectual Indonesians.
George Bush is like a spoilt kid on Christmas morning. Rips off wrapping, opens box, breaks present, moves on , ripps off wrapping, opens box, breaks present moves on ... behind US foreign policy lay a long line of broken countries from southeast asia to south america, afghanistan .. iraq ..
Is the USA an empire?
Hey Simon - All Americans aren't mad. All Australians are mad (as sure as all Englishmen are kinky) Haven't you any American friends yet? I have and most of them post here. Americans are truely wonderful people (as long as you keep them away from the bible cooky jar) Like Australians, they've developed in a big wide land where personal freedom reigns supreme and many futures are possible. Americans are easy going, don't pout much or hold grudges, generally say exactly what's on their minds and exude an irresistable aura of eternal optimism.
cheers, unclebruce who doesn't blame good hardworking free thinking yanks for the foreign policies of thier rich industrialist overlords.
Hey Simon .. don't blow a foofle valve ... wasasister isn't the only one to notice a slightly anti US ting to your posts lol..(australians moan about the US all the time too .. I did too before I met so many of them)..
as the jovahs say .."we're worried about you brother" shy as I am about giving personal advice maybe you could season your words with less tabasco or something lol
cheers unclebruce
PS: Don't get paranoid but I've been watching you for years now and I really like the consistant anti-fascist stand you take on world politics (I wish our creepy Johnny Howard was on the nose as much as you say Tony is .. australians are such a disappointment sometimes! - our rightwing PM only got voted back in by scareing the morgage belt with a threat of higher interest rates under labour)
sorry this is so long .. I know you're a busy man.. my finger just won't stop ..
edited to say: phew got this post in before Simon has to waste time losing hims noodle at me!
Yes, I agree. Many Americans are very very nice people and their foreign policy simply doesn't do them justice.
I get the impression that "America" is very like the WTS - the rank and file are fed a diet of fear and propaganda that those outside simply cannot comprehend. If you try and tell them about it then the shutters come down as they have been conditioned to. If anyone speaks up and questions the dogma then they are shunned and isolated.
It's such a shame that what was a great country decided to go down such a twisted road. I just hope the common people wake up to what has been going on before it's not too late.
i don't usually respond to ploitical threads but i thought i would respond to this question.
Is the USA an empire?
Simon It's been really reassuring to read your posts and know that English people aren't as easily fooled as the American and even Australian public generally seem to be these days. We appear to be going down a less cynical, less questioning path. The outpouring for Tsunami victims in Aust has been excellent though.
down here the younger generation cranks up the rocky horror show and sings "..take another step to right.."
In reponse to terrorism the government sent every household in Aust a fridge magnet with instructions to "report anything that doesn't add up" .. well you can imagine the fun we had with that lol ..
unclebruce who reports people who don't add up.
Released . . ." There is always more to the situation than meets the eye." That is the answer to the riddle I posed to hillary_step. ( see above ) Not that anybody cares, but thanks anyway.