If you still go to meetings, take a good look around the Kingdom Hall next time you attend and think about what you are
likely seeing.
Many Witnesses will sit in a half-awake mode - despite confronting a risk to life or limb in attending, because of bad weather or the sort
of neighborhood the Hall is located in. Also, take note of the children: how many are told to sit quietly and keep occupied by
"counting the number of times the speaker says Jehovah ( or Jesus)"? Notice the "Barbie Doll" sisters ( 12 - 16 years old) who
listlessly write their names over and over in some sort of calligraphy, while pretending to take notes - and then there's the anorexic
sister ,sitting in the back, who is afflicted with thoughts about ritual abuse. Perhaps the meeting part describes some third world
Witness who wades thru crocodile infested waters to get to the hall every week. Is anyone really learning anything? or are they
just being programmed? Do the meetings seem to be an "end in themselves"? Does field service also seem to be that way?
Do many of the congregation seem to depend on psychoactive drugs like Prozac or Paxil or Zoloft? How about alcohol as a means
of relieving the stress of living a life of repetition - that never seems to go anywhere?
At some point, you ask yourself: is this organization filled with people afflicted with obsessive- compulsive disorders?
Does the Watchtower Society encourage this for its own benefit?
While I am not a health care professional, I have had medical problems with compulsive thoughts and depression AND NOTICED
THAT MOST OF MY PROBLEMS WENT AWAY after I became inactive. Following this, I look backward at what I was involved
in and wonder about Witnesses who "have to" get their "time in" - or "have to" attend meetings. If they accomplish almost nothing
in the field ministry and sit through countless meetings in a half conscious state - all while feeling "compelled" to do so,
how can anyone not consider that the Watchtower is gathering up OCD sufferers and programming them as its thralls?
In fairness, it must be admitted that many religions probably exploit the obsessive-compulsive tendencies of their flock.
Folks like Hare Krishnas, Mormons, and rosary bead- fingering Catholics ( and Muslims!) come to mind. Yet, given the
forcibly "unified" nature of JWs, and their endless "reminders" to go to meetings and put in field service time ( often as an
end in itself), the Watchtower seems particularily skilled at exploiting this defect of human nature.
If so, we shouldn't be surprized that logic and facts often appear to have little effect on Witnesses.
It isn't about logic
It isn't about facts.
Perhaps all too many of these poor people do what they do because they are caught up in cycles of obsessive thought,
unable to break free. Suddenly, "repetition for emphasis" takes on an evil tone....