undecided said:
Sometimes I question myself if I really loved the brothers or was it just borg fever.
Good expression. I like that.
Scottergirl; said:
If given the choice, I would sooner fade away w/out any notion of insincere caring. I do not have time for hypocrites. So no encouragement would be better to me than encouragement only for the reason of returning to the borg.
Have to go along with that. And most of the letters I've seen posted here in the past month or so, are definately NOT encouraging. They are letters of condemnation. They are malicious and rude, and totally devoid of any affection or love.
I cannot fathom how the authors of such letters think their words are going to "encourage" us to go back to "Jehovah's Loving Organization" ©
xjw_b12 "Millions Now Living Will Never Learn ? ©