hmm ...
.. I remember a Dr. Penton coming to this board to basically stick up for his friend during a very unfortunate ... sigh .... squabble between two very great gentlemen - Mr. Bowen and Mr. Franz. Unfortunately I was less than impressed with Dr. Penton's attitude toward certain people in his post ... almost discrimatory if I recall and I ... if memory serves ... let Jim have it since I thought he could be a good expert witness in court cases for many issues and expert witnesses shouldn't be on public discussion boards saying certain things. Sorry about that Jim ...
Having said that negative which I wish never happened, let's talk some positive.
I was but one of many persons trying desparately to get expert people to come forward both for CBC's production of the JW abuse issues and the Boer civil case. Jim answered the call from Mexico, Anderson from Tennessee, Bowen from Kentucky and many many many others from around the world and of course in Ontario and the rest of Canada. Dr. Penton along with the Andersons and a few others came to 361 University in Toronto and sat in a court house full of JWs who were completely against Vicki Boer (In their Shelburne congregation twisted minds, Vicki was the antichrist). It was Penton and Anderson who volunteered to be expert witnesses for Ms. Boer. Penton also sat with L. Gerrerrio of CBC and provided her many great insights into the JWs so that abuse story could get aired in January 2003. Never mind the other CBC Fifith Estate show that Penton did some 10-15 years ago. It was quite a sight seeing the Andersons and Dr. Penton sitting side by side in that court house (Of course on that day Glen How loudly tuning his hearing aid device for many minutes in the midst of a very quiet courtroom while the Judge looked over her bi-focals at the learned How stole the show ....).
My point is, Dr. Penton through his books, interviews, testimony et. al. has done so much to try and get the leadership in the Watchtower organization to be held accountable and to change its dangerous ways. He has walked the walk and at the risk of being sued by a billion dollar company that has an army of lawyers who supposedly work without remuneration.
I kindly thank Dr. Penton for all of his help he has provided to those in need and protecting those who were thinking of joining this dangerous organization, and, I kindly say to him that he only needs to do as much as he feels since he found out what freedom is really all about (.... unless it has to do with a request from Barb Anderson and if that is the case then by orders of the supreme great commander of the universe, Jim you are authorized to help Barb in any way she asks (snicker)).