An Appalling Lack Of Manners & Social Graces

by Why Georgia 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    I wasn't raised like a sumbitch, that's for sure. My JW Mother TAUGHT me manners. You don't go to people's houses without calling first. You don't call people before Noon on Saturday and Sunday. YOu say SIR and MA'AM to older people, you say please and thank you SIR and MA'AM, you also have very much respect for your elders whatever they say and you don't disagree with them. I just wasn't raised like a pig. I was raised to have manners, and I raised my son to do the same.

    However, it really has occurred to me that people just have no MANNERS anymore. MANNERS are what civilizes the beasts and makes them tolerable. If people have manners, it relives them of the anxiety of really knowing how to act. They just follow a script, and all is well!

    All good parents should teach their children decent manners.


  • buffalosrfree

    I hated it when witnesses would show up and want to use our toilet. I told some one day this isnt a public toilet and no you cant come in and use it, go home and use yours. I'm sure they were pissed about it but I didn't care, I couldnt believe these people absolutely no manners whatsoever. Buff

  • bebu

    My JW neighbor has sometimes accepted offers with an "alright" and not a "thank you". But usually she says thanks. I think in her case her needs are great and she tries to focus on accepting graciously... Also, whenever I've gone to any great length for her, she has never failed to thank me... with a strong hug and a bit of disbelief (you know, because I'm worldly, and getting any help from her congregation is like pulling teeth ).


  • upside/down

    Amen country girl- never relegate to your religion what is clearly YOUR responsibility.

    Manners are learned at home... I didn't get a lot of my manners till I grew up and learned the hard way. It's not that hard and most of 'em come from a good example. I'm proud my kids are well mannered and I take full credit (smug smile). I think many unfortunately view the Dub faith kind of like religious socialism, "they" will teach us all we need to know. Never relegate yourself like that.

    One of lifes little pleasures, for sure.


  • unclebruce

    But, really, to be fair to Jehovah's Witnesses regarding their lack of manners:

    Surely it's hard enough having to preach the kingdom message without also being expected to practise it as well?

    Good point Steve,

    This thread is ridiculous. Why should Jehovahs Witnesses learn manners? Jeez, as if they haven't enough to worry about. The whole time I was a JW I never once heard anyone complain about Jehovah's lack of manners. He just smite whenever he felt like it and his bad tempered table overturn'n son was the same.

    "..and the Lord said 'piss off Mary I'm busy turn'n me water into wine" Matthew 21:8

    uncle please and thankyou bruce

  • Golf

    I'm with you Country Girl about people in general having no manners. I make it a practice to give people the right of way, and you know what, I feel good about it. Surprisingly, there is still good mannered people out there.

    The scripture about casting your bread upon the waters and you will find it again, I've experienced it. Eccl 11:1

    Yes, the JW's need a course on manners and respect.


  • Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
    Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.

    Because the vast majority of jws believe that their shit doesn't stink, it can only be expected that a lack of social graces and any form of manners would go hand-hand- with such self-righteous thinking.

    cheeses. please excuse my apalling behaviour.

  • seeitallclearlynow

    Hi there Holey Cheeses - nice to see you after all this time! Woo hoo! How've you been?

  • Maverick

    JW's are no different than the people of the world in spite of the WTS rhetoric. Generally people are not taught manner anymore. I get very irritated at the young people I encounter all the time by their total lack of manners. I am the type to open doors and say, "please, thank you, may I". But those charater qualities are not glorified today. Being a bad-ass and smart-ass is. How tough is a man who opens doors and allows another person to cut ahead of him in line? I see grown adult males that still have women taking care of them the think they are "real men" because they can kick most peoples butts, but they can't even support themselves or take care of their most basic adult needs! They they have no shame. JW's are trained to be like little children who are told they can't think for themselves and have to be reminded all the time of the most basic things. They employ manners only when they are reminded by " mother" and only until the next WatchTower or KM comes out.

  • Golf

    Amen Maverick!


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