They finished High school? College? etc And what year were you told?. I was told there was NO WAY I'd reach high school etc. I was 5 in 1975
Who was told that the New order would be here before......................
by avishai 55 Replies latest jw friends
I sure didn't think the baby I was carrying when I was baptized in Dec. '78 would grow up and have children before the end would come. Now I have an almost 9 year old grandson.
I remember my sister in law telling me that she wasn't worried about aging and all the problems that go with it. She knew the new system would be here long before we hit the age of wrinkles. Now she is 44 and I am 46.
I recall reading in a magazine in the early 90s that they doubted things would last until the year 2000.
Yep, I was told the very same thing Avi.
My father told me this when I was about 7 or 8 years old.
I was told the new order would come before my sisters and i ever got married and had children.
I have been married 5 years and have a 2 year old.
Go Figure!!!
Well, I was pulled out of elementary school in 1986 to be homeschooled and I was told that it wouldn't matter if I learned "hard math" (algebra, trig.) because the "end" would be soon.
...still can't do math *deep sigh* -
Same here...was told I wouldn't make it to high school. I was 11 in 75. Dad went to what was then called km school and mom was pioneering. For some reason I don't remember her pioneering any more after 75 came and went. I remember something about october of that year and being scared as hell for a couple months. This may have been the first seed of doubt for me.
Before I finished high school in 1984. Well I finish it, I pioneered for 7 years, after I got married, I have to kids and the New Order didn't came yet. 21 years past ever since, almost a quarter of century!!!
Does any one KNOWS to tell me what went wrong!!!
I think that may be the root of disillusion for most of us. When we are PROMISED when we are young that all the hassle will be over soon and all the rejection and hard work is gonna pan out and then we realize that it's all bs.....................
I remember being told by my father that he didn't think I would even start school before the end came. Let's see, I was born in 1970 -- hmmm....
My dad bless his heart when I was in my teens used to say: Son you will never finish high school the kingdom will be here long before then. So I did not finish my home work, now its been 35 years.