I live in Brazil anda would like make friends . I leave this religion and all my "friends" leave too. I was more than 10 years at the Watchtower and now they call me "apostate". If i said some wrong word, escuse me my english. Bye...
hi everybody!
by Kaique 14 Replies latest jw friends
sorry, i said "all my friends leave too" , i would lije to say: all my "friends" leave ME too".
Bienvenidos Kaique! I wanna make it down to Brazil some day. The furthest I have been is the Yucatan.
District Overbeer
Hi, Kaique. That's what happens when you leave the Jehovah's Witnesses. They all turn their backs on you. But you can find alot of people here who have also had that happen to them. It's a great place to talk about it. Don't worry things will get better.
Welcome Kaique . I would rather be called Apostate then called a JW.,,,,,,,lol
The JellyBaby
Hello kaique
Plenty of friends here for you... Those friends that left you are now proving how much their friendship really meant.
Keep smiling!
Welcome Kaique!
Welcome to JWD, Kaique
They call me Apostate too. My wife and I got the official red letter A just about 2 years ago. It hurt for a while not having contact with old friends but as others pointed out above they were not true friends. Now we have more true friends then I have ever had in my life. (We still have some true JW friends who associate with secretly)
Enjoy yourself, make new friends and make your life new. You are FREE. Hope you make friends here too.
Welcome. Nice to have you here.
No, I understand you completely. Welcome to the board!