Whatever happened to to good-ol-days when you had to pay attention to where you threw your lawn darts so that you wouldn't kill anyone?
When I was in first grade my family had a set of lawn darts... not the plastic kind... the kind with the heavy steel spike prodruding from the tip. I loved to go outside and play with them. Yes, I would try to land them in the round targets like they were ment to be used... but I also liked to put sheets of plywood on the ground and throw the dart as high in the air as I could so that the dart would stick through the wood.
I even managed to talk my sister into playing a... err... "game". She was supposed to stand still while I tossed the darts high in the air trying to land them as close to her without actually hitting her. She only played that once and suddenly got "scared".
Not to worry... later I got her to play another game where we raced our bikes. The finish line consisted of a rope that was ment to go under the front tire as it was passed... unfortunatly my sister did it wrong and ended up flat on her back with a rope mark across her neck. She didn't want to play that game anymore either. Hell, the rope thing worked for me! It always went under my tire... never over.
Lets see... then there were the little "propeller guns". They had little plastic propellers (about 3 inches across) that were attached to the front of the gun and when you pulled the trigger the propeller would spin around quickly and fly forward... chopping up everything in its path.
Ahhh yes... then the BB Guns! After a bit of experimentation I discovered that I could have a "sure shot" by forgoing the ineffecent BB's for Kitty Litter! I just pumped up the gun, pored a bit of kitty litter down the barrel and next thing I knew I had my little brother "treed". Victory at last!
I can't go without mentioning my "tree house". It had a unique "design feature" in it. Anytime an invading force managed to enter, all I had to do was jump up and down causing the entire structure to wobble around. This always caused the cowardly evil forces to drop to the floor and hold on tight until they managed to crawl back out. Wimps.
These days everything is "safety tested" by the government and all sorts of organizations. Hell, even the toy guns have the barrels colored red so that the cops won't shoot you anymore. I just don't see how any seven-year-old could possibly have any fun playing with a toy gun that can't be mistaken for the real thing.
What about you? What deadly toys did you play with when growing up?