Even when I was active with the cult I always bought the forbidden cookies....My mother-in-law a lifer in the borg, always forbid my wife to even take a bite of one, let alone purchase them! My wife works in a small doctors office everyday with two witness gals. Gets real dicey at times with my wife being dissassociated. The poor Doctor who is not a witness has a hard time swallowing all the witness issues. Today the witness coworkers each purchased 10 boxes of cookies from the Doctors young daughter as did my wife. I have to wonder if these witnesses are struggling tonight with there conscience! I hope so!
Have you purchased your Girl Scout cookies?
by Thechickennest 11 Replies latest jw friends
Damn near $20 dollars worth. I'm going to be up to my a$$ in cookies when they come in.
Oh yes - I love the chocolate covered peanut butter patties
They are forbidden??? Forbidden?? That is truly the first time I hear they are forbidden. At the KH where I go, most buy them and talk about them. Talk about which flavors they like and how they are eaten best when you pull them right out of the freezer. I'm serious. After reading some of the things on this site, I am starting to think that people at our KH are pretty lenient about many things.
Oohhh Yaaahhhhh! Ooohhhh Yahhhh!
Got to get them Beeeoutches.
I was tempted to order one of each, but I restrained myself. There's always next year.
They are forbidden??? Forbidden??
Oh, yes. Girl Scouting is very nationalistic.
Buying Girl Scout cookies would be like supporting the United Nations - covertly, of course...
oh yeah, i remember having to turn down those cute little kids trying to sell their cookies in front of the grocery store, im such a sucker and did sometimes buy some, even though i got crap from my parents. Oh well, they are really good cookies, gonna stock up this year for sure.
I like the cookies...however, I have mixed feelings about their parents prostituting their children in front of grocery stores at 9:00 am on saturdays in order to spread the good...erm....sell cookies to unsuspecting clientele at the local Safeway.
- Preston
franklin J
...my daughters were both girl scouts and it was not uncommon for me to buy several CARTONS of the boxes; this in an atttempt to prevent them going door to door. They still wanted to go door to door and so we let them; accompanied by one of us and only to houses in the neighborhood of friends.
my all time favorite is the Samoa. When a friend asked my little one why her daddy bought so many she repled :
" he likes to have them with his cappucino after dinner. But when my mom gets mad at him she hides the boxes.." isnt that hilarious?
If you are worried about Girl Scout cookies, I'm sure Adware or Spybot will remove them off your hard drive. You get them at apostate sites you know ;)