Being polite, warm and fuzzy is great. I was this way for 20 years (never cursed etc).
But I have found that the English language (as far as I am able to use it) is completely lacking at times to express the range and scope of what I feel and want to communicate. Expletives and derrogatory labels (while definitely overused and crude) seem to "fit the bill" at times.
I actually find some of the terminology I've learned here quite "polite" (ie.Dubs) considering what I'd rather say. Manners will always be in vogue. but certain sitch's call for more. I also find a momentary bout with Touret's(sp) Syndrome does wonders that even therapy didn't help.
Derrogatory terms highlite the extreme contempt one has (rightly so), and refuses to give the person or org. that they are used on, the honor and dignity that they DON'T DESERVE. Let's not forget who we're discussing, a group (cult?) that practices whole-sale undeserved shunning, elitism, judging, condemning, hypocricy, shows no mercy, destroys families and a host of other "heinous" crimes.
A spade IS A SPADE!
F'nA- u/d