by stillajwexelder 23 Replies latest jw friends
have heard this saying in the past. That if a person can't trust anybody, can he be trusted himself..
I think it all depends on the circumstance. There are some wonderful people in this world who would be willing to do any thing for anyone. We call them humanitarians. Alturistic persons who unselfishly give of themselves for others without expecting anything in return.
I trust far too much. But I can guarantee that you can trust me. Because I really care about people and their lives. I wish I could do for humanity, but it is only a dream for me.
If someone needs something that I have I would gladly trust that person to either loan or give them what they need.
Maybe I am a chump, I not sure.
If it wasn't for trusting doctors and nurses we would be in a sad state of affairs. I have people I don't know who have given things to me with out my having to pay for them and that is because of person who are true humanitarians.
Anyway that is my opinon on the matter.
Love Orangefatcat.
That if a person can't trust anybody, can he be trusted himself.
Probably not = one can not trust lawyers, politicians, catholic priests , members of the governing body, the media, I personally do not trust myself,
X Trust no one
I trust Kate.
Big Tex
Trust, like respect, must be earned.
Special K
I can't say it any better than that Big Tex,
Trust, like respect, must be earned
Special K
Only yourself.
i am very slow to trust. or to get close to strangers.
Trust, though better earned, doesn't leave room for those that are trustworthy, but have no way of proving it to you. I try to give people the benifit of the doubt. Not as a sucker, but I like to give folks room enough to display whether or not I can trust you.
When I'm not disappointed, I rejoice. If and when I get played, I count it a blessing as well because now I have a more thorough understanding as to whether or not I have reason to trust you at all. If it cost me $20.00 to get the absolute understanding that you're a piece of shit and can't be trusted, that's $20.00 well spent, I didn't lose anything, but you just lost every ounce of respect that I try to give everyone, from the door.
" Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice and your dead to me from that point, dead do you un'erstand? "