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by maidden 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • Rabbit

    Seeitall, I am so sorry we have this terrible thing in common. Write anytime.

    Maidden, I hope your situation is that you can just stop. Many people, like me, could not...we had to fade away to stay 'under the radar' long enough that the Elders would forget about us. It worked for me -- so far. I have loads of family, if I was DF'd it would cause a lot of problems.

    You are young, stay here and read everyone's experiences, you may see why it may be a good thing to stop now.


  • maidden

    Thanks. I don't want to just stop going, though (yet it's what I'm doing). I feel like I'm leaving safe ground to... where? What is there? I've been catholic, evangelist, in spiritism, then jw. Where do I go from here? =/

  • Kenneson

    Welcome Maidden.

  • steve2
    I was wondering if anyone here has any theories as to why it is that, the more meetings we skip, the less we want to go. If we're missing our spiritual meals, shouldn't we be getting more hungry?

    Hey there Maidden. Nice to hear from you. What a good question you've asked!

    The Witnesses would say you're suffering from spiritual anorexia but it seems you're realising that it really is a case of the grumpy old chef blaming the sensibly reluctant diners. Welcome to this wonderful recipe book with lots of tips on how to prepare nourishing meals for yourself! steve2

  • glitter

    I've been catholic, evangelist, in spiritism, then jw. Where do I go from here? =/

    In 19 years? Wow! Wherever you go, whether it's to another faith, atheism or back to the JWs, don't do it lightly.

    Trust your feelings - if you aren't comfortable with the idea of attending the meetings then there's a *reason*.

    Don't do anything for a while, just learn about God and Jesus by yourself and see where your heart takes you.

  • Satanus

    Maybe because it's just so abnormal. When you get away from it, normality tends to naturally set in.


  • jeanniebeanz


    I was wondering if anyone here has any theories as to why it is that, the more meetings we skip, the less we want to go.

    I believe it is because the less we go, the more we see clearly. With a clear head, we begin to make up our own minds on the teachings, and most of us just chuck em.


  • Carmel

    Welcome Maiden! My personal perspective to your question is that there is nothing spiritual at the KH meetings. Hence it's like wondering why it feels so good when we quit hitting our head with a hammer. Coersion, fear, guilt, manipulation, mind numbing rote repeating of tired dogma, none of that is spiritual.


  • maidden

    Steve2, loved the metaphor =D hehe

    Glitter, there's no decision I'd take more seriously. The first time I changed religions I was 10... It's been nearly a decade of searching and just when I thought I had found The Truth and settled, in comes a wave of doubt shaking the very bases of my belief structure... Let's just say I've been feeling kinda lost.

  • LDH
    Where do I go from here

    Straight to normalcy.

    You've tried the rest, now try the best.

    Accept that you don't need the approval of a SKY DADDY who doesn't even love you enough to answer this question for you.



    I haven't met Alan, so I don't believe in him either, Class

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