The Longest Hour in the Life of a Young JW

by TMS 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • pennycandy

    My poor mom. Throughout our childhoods she would try to take the initiative and study with us. We gave her such a hard time. I would sit there with my arms folded and refuse to answer. My younger siblings would play and joke and complain and cry and run around. After arguements and threats and yelling my mom would invariably run from the room in tears yelling that she was just trying to do what Jehovah wants her to but what do we ungrateful children care?

    I feel SO bad about that now. We weren't bad kids at all, but for some reason we were horrible for our family study.

  • xjw_b12

    Trying to explain to your girlfriends father, why you are not baptized, and are in no hurry to do so......

  • Nosferatu
    Throughout our childhoods she would try to take the initiative and study with us. We gave her such a hard time. I would sit there with my arms folded and refuse to answer.

    I tried that. I would just get a beating. My childhood studies were usually sandwiched between beatings. I'd do something wrong, I'd get a beating, I'd have to sit there and put up with the study, and if I didn't, I'd get another beating. Knowing her, we'd usually study the chapter "Obedience Protects You" in that shitty pink Great Teacher book

  • new light
    new light

    Ah, the wisdom of children. We all knew something was wrong with being forced to study or go out in service, but we were in no position to stop it, unfortunately. Thanks for the memories of the pink book there Nos. What a horrible religion.

  • mouse

    Going out in service and praying that you won't find anyone at home, especially if you know the person who lives there. That was always painfully awkward...

  • Nosferatu
    Thanks for the memories of the pink book there Nos.

    Sorry man, but I just HATED that damn book. The new "Great Teacher" book they came out with, granted, looks much nicer, but the information in it is worse. There is one chapter in there that encourages the young ones to be "as a slave" literally. Seeing this chapter enraged me, as it clearly explained the problems I had with my self-esteem and confidence. I just dread that many children are going to be raised with this force fed garbage. And let us not forget that detailed picture of Armageddon in it to bring on those nightmares!

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    The PRAYER at the end of the Sunday meetings. Good God.. they went on and on an on... for an hour!

    "..And bless the tulips in Brother NeverLate's front yard. Bless Sister JesusGlo's sister's best friend, Betsy Inactive in Tulsa and bless...." ARGH!


  • pratt1

    Sitting through the minstry school the night your name is read out thinking how your mom and friends are going to cry and not knowing what going to happen to your life now.

  • 95stormfront
    that shitty pink Great Teacher book

    OMG !!!!

    I remember that book. Wasn't the name of it "listening to the great teacher" or something like that? There used to be one in my house growing up. My family never fell for the JW crap at that time, but, someone must have given them that book because I remember it.

  • new light
    new light
    Sitting through the minstry school the night your name is read out thinking how your mom and friends are going to cry and not knowing what going to happen to your life now.

    Now that's a long hour. My parents at least let me skip that meeting without throwing me out of the house. Nos: I can only imagine the "new and improved" version. The old one did quite a number on us as it was.

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