by sistaintheback 26 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Valis

    The belief in demons is a very common one with people who take the bible at it's most literal extreme. Which in turn manifests itself mentally and physicaly in extremes. Please seek help for whatever condition you are experiencing and by all means don't rely on ANY litterature to give you relief.


    District Overbeer

  • 144001
    With all due respect to our friends who look to a material explanation for everything, there are such things as inncubus and succubus. Before my time in the borg, I was involved in what many call the occult and most of my family stayed invovled. So I can speak to the subject.

    Being involved with a cult, or the occult, certainly does not make one an expert whose opinion on the veracity of folklore is worthy of any more merit than anyone else. In fact, one's involvement in cults, and even worse yet, the occult, is actually an indication that their assertions should be subjected to extreme scrutiny.
    If your attacks aren't like this, then the simpler explanation of night paralysis/terrors may be the direction to look and the advise of a medical professional sought. Remember Occam's Razor, unless there is good reason to conclude otherwise, first go with the simplest explanation. It will more likely be the one!
    Funny how the "simplest explanation" suggested by this post is one that requires you to accept a bunch of unauthenticated assumptions, such as the validity of the bible as an explanation of human origin. The explanation is a medical/psychological one, notwithstanding the delusional beliefs of some to the contrary. Sista, seek help from a medical professional, not laypersons from this forum. Sleep apnea can be very dangerous, and even if it's something else, it's obviously worthy of a professional opinion. Good luck!
  • Midget-Sasquatch


    Many people who've experienced sleep paraylsis, report visual or auditory hallucinations along with paralysis/weakness. But there's also a portion of them that report experiencing physical manipulation (even painful), mostly in the chest as well as the limbs.

    Here's just an excerpt from this webpage:

    People frequently report feeling a "presence" that is often described as malevolent, threatening, or evil. An intense sense of dread and terror is very common. The presence is likely to be vaguely felt or sensed just out of sight but thought to be watching or monitoring, often with intense interest, sometimes standing by, or sitting on, the bed. On some occasions the presence may attack, strangling and exerting crushing pressure on the chest. People also report auditory, visual, proprioceptive, and tactile hallucinations, as well as floating sensations and out-of-body experiences (Hufford, 1982). These various sensory experiences have been referred to collectively as hypnagogic and hypnopompic experiences (HHEs). People frequently try, unsuccessfully, to cry out. After seconds or minutes one feels suddenly released from the paralysis, but may be left with a lingering anxiety. Extreme effort to move may even produce phantom movements in which there is proprioceptive feedback of movement that conflicts with visual disconfirmation of any movement of the limb. People may also report severe pain in the limbs when trying to move them.

    Note that the chest (a primary target) includes erogenous zones for women.

    I've publicly invited any supposed succubi to prove their existence to me (in gest mind you - but the invite was there none the same) several times. Nothin'

    Possible conclusions (not meant to belittle, just throwing in some fun)

    • they don't exist/or at least don't engage in these phenomena
    • they DO exist but size matters even to the non-material so they bypass some
    • they DO exist but know when someone (me!! me!! me!!) is just too much for them


    Take care. I hope things get better for you soon.

  • dh
    The explanation is a medical/psychological one

    I actually believe that the majority demon possession cases (and I use that term lightly) which happen around the world (The type you sometimes see on TV or hear about in remote parts of the world) are actually the very powerful human subconscious manifesting one of its many unexplored facets. I think it is also possible that the mind may be able to inflict injuries on the body (ala stigmata, also I think this because people around the world use their minds to prevent injuries from hot coals, knives etc), therefore in my view this makes the whole thing 'internal' rather than and 'external' source making it happen. I know sometimes the mind can fall out of tune with the body, and I suspect that ancient people many thousands of years before the Bible came along, may have had an understanding of the mind that we do not, and somewhere down the line, ignorrant people mystified into being demons.

  • MungoBaobab

    Creatures reproduce according to their kind- just like the Bible says, actually. Parrots are attracted to and mate with parrots. Mice are attracted to and mate with other mice. Frogs, well, you get the idea. Humans have a biological compulsion to reproduce due to certain hormones, and if the glands driving these compulsions are removed (castration), so is the desire to copulate. So why would a demon, a being created without gender and the ability, let alone the desire, to copulate seek out "attractive" human women to have sex with? It would be like a human looking at a piece of fungus and wanting to secrete spores; like wanting to undergo mitosis and watching some paramicium pornography. LIke a human being seeing the red feathery crest on some species of finch in South America that make the other finches want to mate, and becoming aroused. There's no logic behind a demon wnating to have sex with a human being.

  • Incense_and_Peppermints
    I actually believe that the majority demon possession cases (and I use that term lightly) which happen around the world (The type you sometimes see on TV or hear about in remote parts of the world) are actually the very powerful human subconscious manifesting one of its many unexplored facets.

    i have been reading this thread and never answered, but read this comment and can say that this is just what i was thinking.

    when i first left the witnesses and lived in that little apartment, my roommate would spend weekends away and leave me alone all night. and that is when i started experiencing this phenomenon. you are in a deep twilight sleep, in that you are mentally awake, but your body is asleep. i felt pure darkness come over me, and it was very scary..but this thrill would course through my body as well, which was very seductive. i told myself it was a demon, and to fight i would force myself to awaken. for almost two years, this would happen to me, and one time i actually decided to be daring and not fight it, because i wanted to see where it would go...and all i can say is it was very dark and it felt like electricity was just racing through my entire being...time passed and things in my life changed and these "visitations" stopped. then i began having flying dreams, in which i was flying at night, no plane or wings, just me, and it was always over the Golden Gate Bridge, and the water was BLACK, but the bridge was all lit up with thousands of gold lights, and i thought i could fall i should wake up but i kept telling myself no, fly, this is just a dream, you can FLY so i succumbed to it and let the fear go out of me and it was liberating. so anyway i used to think it was the incubus but when i shed my jw self completely, i realized it was indeed just my subconcious expressing unfulfilled desires and repressed fears. pretty cool though...

  • sistaintheback

    OK, so this happened to me again just last night. I tried to tell myself that it was not demonic and to just stop resisting and see what happens. But when I stopped resisting it seemed to really bear down on me even harder and I became so frightened that I just couldn't do it. So, I started fighting it and once I was able to move I screamed out loud. It may be a medical condition, but it feels so real. And it is so scary. You've got to realize that I have been thinking it was demonic for a few years. So, it's not going to be easy to change my thinking. Sometimes when my husband is in a "frisky" mood, I feel a little nervous as if someone might be watching......It kinda hinders my "performance". ((LOL)) Am I crazy or what??

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