Who saw the Apprentice tonight? For those of you who missed it, it was the season opener. Donald has grouped the candidates into two teams (college graduates and high school graduates). Then he informed them that one team has a combined average salary that is more than two times higher than the other . . . that team is the high school graduate team.
I'm so excited about this show. I am a financial professional with no college degree (thanks WTS! ). I have worked very hard to gain the necessary experience and learn on the job and have worked my way to my current position. Everyone else on my team has a college degree - and many have or are working on their Masters degrees. I am always nervous as the subject of school comes up in conversation . . . as I know I will be asked the inevitable "where did you go to school?" This has always been a huge source of embarassment to me. I mean, how do you explain it . . .. "well, growing up, I was continually encouraged not to attend college so that I would not be influenced by the world's twisted way of thinking; I was educated via the Theocratic Ministry School every Thursday night for 45 minutes; or better yet, I was putting kingdom interests first since Armageddon was just around the corner".
So, I've always avoided the subject whenever possible. But watching this show is making me feel better. Seeing other people (non-JWs) that are not college educated yet working in a professional field. . . Donald posed the question, "Are experience and attitude more valuable than education?" This is the question he hopes to have answered by the end of this show.
This should be good! My money is on the high school graduates. What do you guys think?
- CF