Great news
Vigil for my daughter, please.
by outnfree 117 Replies latest watchtower medical
Wonderful news, Brenda.
wow, what a big sigh of relief. Please let us know about how everything turns out. I hope you two took this semester off to recoup after all this "stuff". mmmmkay!
Great to hear the wonderful news!!
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Brenda & Lena))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
I knew she was going to pull through this....She is one tough/strong cookie....
The worst is over now brenda....Now, you can just mend your baby to good health...kiss and hug her to death...
Love Morty....I am doing a happy dance for you both...
I have been off-line a couple days so I just read your news and I am so relieved for all of you * Big sigh of relief from me also.
XXX Dorothy
Morning update:
Lena was finally transferred to a regular room last night. She's still got a drain line under her scalp, but that will likely come out today. The bandage was off and she finally looked at herself in the mirror and said, "My hair looks like crap!" <<-- That's my girl!!! Then she said, "I look like crap!" and I told her she looks beautiful to me: ALIVE! and coherent!
The swelling on her forehead was a bit worse and she's swollen around her left eye as though she's been bitten by a mosquito there, but the nausea had subsided and she actually ate dinner. Apparently, she will have the joy of watching her face go through all the purples, yellows and greens of bruising, as they need to pull away some of her forehead skin in order to get to the lesion. She's only got one IV line left, though, so that's good.
I am a little slow out of the starting blocks this morning. Still need to shower and get down to the hospital. I have promised myself one of those long, standing-there-until-the-hot-water-starts-running-out showers to get all the aches out of my old body which doesn't do pretzel contortions so well anymore. But first I need to do this update and I have another mass e-mail to send out as well. Her dad went down to see her before work, though, and brought her the book we forgot to bring her last night.
I should get going, but thanks again for the support. She will be reading this thread and the rest of the other one as well when she gets home. Which could be TOMORROW or Friday, even!!!! Unless there are deep reasoning problems that aren't obvious now, it appears she has had no brain damage requiring rehabilitation of any sort other than healing!!!!
Ian, if you're reading, we remembered last night to send energy your way from her hospital bed. Hope it helped.
Joy -- I am only taking two French conversation classes: back to back, 10 weeks each. I've missed 5 out of the first six classes, but I went for the first test and I'll go this afternoon. They're only offered Winter Semester and they're required for my degree. Lena is on Medical leave because the neurosurgeon said it will be at least an entire month to fully recover at home.
Morty -- Got your lovely phone message. I've saved it for Lena to listen to this weekend.
Love to all,
Thanks for taking the time to give an update, Brenda. This really is great news
(((hugs))) -
Had Enough
(((((Brenda and Lena))))):
I've just noticed this thread and am so sorry Lena and your whole family has had to go through this ordeal. What a relief though to hear things went so well.
No matter what age our children are, we still feel that dreaded helplessness when their lives are threatened and fear for their safety so I'm so happy you have had such tremendous support on this thread and privately.
I think of you often and wish Lena a speedy recovery and hope we can meet up again sometime soon.
Love and Lots of Hugs,
Had Enough
She will be reading this thread and the rest of the other one as well when she gets home. Which could be TOMORROW or Friday, even!!!!
Sounds good good good ! ... read you soon again !