Cannot get to e-watchman or to the paradise cafe. Is anyone else having problems.
e-watchman gone?
by inbyathread 12 Replies latest watchtower scandals
is that a problem?
Yes it's a problem if the WT is being successful in shutting down every site that opposes them.
There was a drive failure on the server per the service provider.
Over the months, I've done many searches on 'ewatchman', yet have never seen this, until today:
The Shame of E.watchman in stealing from the Writer of Dirge. This is one of the pages which he stole from, you will notice a date down the end of my page10'10'2000 This is the page he stole my idea from date 10,10,2000
I am closing this site down, due to robbery by the E.watchman
The articles were you compared Anglo American and Britain to a ship and a tree you have stolen from the watchmanofephraim site.
I have been working on this site for over four years, and you have come along and taken what does not belong to you and have taken as your own.
You stole from
Because you thought that you could get away with it, you are a most dishonest man or men in t he fact that I have in the past left on your forum my url, and you have gone to my website and taken from it.
You will notice that the website that you stole from has a number of dirges on it, and if you are not blind then you will understand what this means.
God places people in positions when he feels like it.
I have been inspired to write dirges since 1996, and the material, which you took from, is linked t these songs, so that you had no business at all going were you do not belong.
The Prophet Ezekiel was written four thousand years ago for this day, for a songwriter of this day, and you have stolen from God, by taking what does not belong to you.
By stealing both my articles, were I have cpmpared Egypt to America and a Tree and also the Ship, the Titanic, you can even read it in the lyrics of a song on my website.One of my songs, I will shame these people.
Here are the articels they stole from me.
They have also stoped me from going on to e.watchmans forum.
The Dirge singer of Ezekiel
Damien Davis
Doom of the Anglo-American Dyad
The Coming Collapse of the Watchtower
The Ewatchman has stolen my comparison with Jehovahs Witnesses to the house of Israel and for this He will or they will be judged.
I've just noticed Damien posting this very item on lambsroar forum.
I just did a whois search and it appears as he has changed service providers. It states it is now in Santa Barbara. Whereas before it was in the midwest somewhere.
The main page is up:
As is the forum:
I just received an e-mail from lambsroar about trying to get shut down...
To All LambsRoar Members,
It appears as though is under some sort of attack to knock the
site offline. So far they've been successful but we're doing everything we can
to thwart their efforts.
This means that we may be on and off all day, or maybe even for days, we're not
yet sure.
While we're online now, I wanted to let everyone know that you can use the
following sites to access LambsRoar:
I didn't supply the rest of the e-mail, as it gives links to differentsites to get there from, just in case the Ying-Yangs at the society
try to do more damage. Something really needs to be done to protect
these sites from the corrupt hands of the WTBTS.
Bumble Bee
e-w started a thread about this on his site back in early January, here is the link (hope it works!!)