I disagree. Certain small groups thrive on persecution and it reinforces their beliefs and makes them more determined and convinced of their own "selected" status.
Im only lightly familiar with how the persecution complex works. So from what you've read it can actually affect the people who haven't joined? I.e., I'm a gentil worshipper of.. I dunno Ashtoreth. I see christians without any idols, I believe they are atheists. I see them being killed in coliseums and set alight on lamp posts to serve as street lights, and I know such treatment is wide spread. I would likely believe, because this is what Gentiles believed, that they were being punished by my god or the gods for their atheism or their blaspheme. Then one day one of them comes to me and talks about their Lord the Christ, tells me about things he did, and I, thinking as I do and knowing what I do about current events, join them because I am now convinced their persecution is evidence of their true status instead of gods wrath?
as to your last two statements in the above post if what I just asked can be verified then I would concede you are right. I know the last statement you make is very true, worship of this God has clearly evolved over a very long time and undergone a huge change in Christianity. But I still doubt the persecution complex can be set off in people unassociated with the group who have their own beliefs. Not impossible certainly, but I have trouble accepting it would happen.