There are many theories about the origin of belief in God, such as (1) Ancient illiterate people feared forces of nature, which were then personified as gods and worshipped for protection. (2) Invention of agriculture and food surplus led to a new way of life, which included culture and religion.
Yet such views are strongly being challenged today by various developments in our times. Huge temples were discovered reportedly thousands of years older than agriculture. This take on civilization’s true dawn suggests that culture arose from spiritual hunger (not full bellies), declares David Robson inNew Scientist. ( Why would supposedly starving hunter-artists waste their lives decorating caves with magnificent paintings which give insight into (among other things) his religious beliefs of that time? Interestingly, those hunters were more humane than many of modern humans (who thrive primarily on arms-industry) as they at least felt the guilt of slaughter, which they tried to expiate through rites and art. Modern humans brought many isms (socialism, communism, capitalism and consumerism …..) which also gave them depression, suicides, widening disparity, conflicts that kill primarily the innocents …! No wonder millions from the developed countries (most of them highly educated ones) flock to the East in search of spiritual solace, disproving the theory that belief in God arose out of fear of forces of nature!
That means humans—whether in poverty or in material abundance—would seek spirituality, our inherent nature. Just like water has TEMPORARY nature [becoming vapor when heated above 100 degree] and PERMANENT nature [liquidity], humans too have temporary nature [materialistic, atheistic or agnostic] and permanent nature [seeking God, their source, and being in tune with Him]! Until humans revert to their permanent nature, they cannot be in peace and contentment! What is temporary can give only temporary happiness! Yet man is not happy with temporary happiness that comes from Materialism, Atheism, and Agnosticism! Once experienced what those isms provide, adherents are forced to look for something better, thus actually become a means to spirituality [as shown by people who reached the zenith of material prosperity like Buddha, Bill Gates …….]
It is true that some worship God by superstition, some by instinct/tradition, and it is also true that many acknowledge some sort of relationship with the Divine on account of REASON—a fact that is often forgotten by atheists! Interestingly, Mahatma Gandhi had this to say: “God is even the atheism of the atheist, for in His bountless love God permits the atheists to live. Even to those who hesitate to accept His existence, He says: ‘So be it, my sun will shine no less for you; my clouds will rain no less for you.’ The very existence of atheists is thus the proof of the greatness of God!” Also, atheists are freely taught a lesson by God: ‘Conquer the opponent with love. The more you do this, the more you feel delight in life!’