I was just relating an experience to my kids about times I felt embarrassed as a youngster.
I gave them a story about the time I was going to the meetings. We had a Congregational outing to a zoo. A time for team building and all that!! When we arrived on the coach the Bro' who decided HE was in charge TOLD us all when we should meet back to eat our sandwiches at a particular point. If that wasnt bad enough, before the 50+ of us were allowed to eat our sarnies, we had to wait for Bro' 'This was my idea' to turn up, as he was going to give thanks...WHAT?...50 or so of us, sitting on a patch of grass, in the middle of a crowded picnic area, waiting to eat some flimsy sandwiches...and we have to wait for a Bro' to give thanks for us!!
We must have looked a right bunch of numptys..all sat, heads bowed, as this Bro' prayed for us!! and it was a right showy display.
I know some will argue that its only right to give thanks before eating etc...but thats a personal thing!!
Was there a time when you felt 'WHY?.....There's no need for that!'