LOL .. little horns jeaniebeans .. think of the watchtower as a beast with no head and two horns
Practical reasoning 101 vs Theocratic Ministry School
by unclebruce 20 Replies latest jw friends
You get my vote to be the next School Overseer!
Righto eyesplice,
but be warned, I'm an old fashioned whip crack'n kinda exjw from the pre-elder days so I'd revert to a 1940's style Theocratic Ministry School.
Ah ..those must have been the days - after a talk the speaker would sit to one side of the platform and be corrected by the audience - a lot like posting here really
For a while there was a move toward democracy with the Congregation Overseer being voted in and the audience free to question and correct public speakers. The freedom to question public speakers during their talks was carried on into the early 80's in my congregation. This privilege was for men only of course. Sisters had to take the speaker aside after the meeting for private admonishment (and somne of those sisters would go at it hell for leather - I remember seeing many a visiting public speaker red faced and bible battered by a sister. .
I doubt any JW today would have the necessary oomph to quiz or correct a speaker during a talk. Would it be great to attend as an apostate and stop the speaker everytime frogs spouted forth! OOOO ther'd be plenty of gestures from the podium that day
cheers, unclebruce
edit: OK This is how it'll work in my Kingdom Hall - under the platform is the baptismal pool. All baptised in the audience have an active button under their seats. When a speaker says something outragous or blatently false the said button is pressed, the floor opens up, said speaker drops into the drink ..
sorry about this long crappy post .. i'm tired .. it's brummies fault
sorry about this long crappy post .. i'm tired .. it's brummies fault
ahem, and you thought I wouldnt see this, right?
o o .. um well I am tired and it is a bit down to you mr pussycat .. troof is I couldn't sleep all that time when you was missing .. was it dark an aweful or did you kidnapped yourself?
Right! I had a few loose cannons to sort out. SO you didnt know that Tomcyats often wonder off for a few days and get up to all kinds of mischief? Ok, I'll forgive ya!
sorry about this too brother brummie cat:
Example: England is 51% Female. Brummie is English. Therefore Brummie is 51% female
Oh I see
However, you're opening post is excellent and I hope many read it. So back to the schedule...
Righto pussycat
back to the top .. in the public interest
One of my wifes Witness friend that is studying to become a school teacher admiited that the Theocratic ministry
school is absurd to the professional teaching standards. She said that they teach an correct people totally the wrong way.
She is going to ask to be removed from the school, and maybe she will do the householder thingy only!