Along the lines of what others have posted above, here's a little aside:
About 2 years after I was (for the second and last time) DFd, 2 elders came to my apartment, to "inquire" about me. One of them was an old Bethel roomate.
I'd just recently come on board with JWD, and I told them both that I knew a lot more about what was happening with and within the WTS than either of them.
Talk about "deer-in-the-headlights"...and not a word from them since.
Being the crusty old bastard that I am, I've more than once been inclined to go their KH (just 5 miles from me), stick out my hand and say "Hi, Stan, how are ya? Armageddon hopes treating you well?"
However, I wouldn't do that, especially considering that I know how badly the "Wonderful Life" has turned out for him.
It makes me sad, both for him, and for me.