In the late 70's, I began experiencing health problems. The elders wanted to know if I purchased anything new, thinking I was under demon attack. The only thing new in our household was a kitten. The elders took the kitten to the kingdomhall at night and killed our kitten. They burned the body in a barrel. I needed meds not my cat killed. Has anyone else had this happen?
Elders killed my cat
by spike 20 Replies latest jw friends
That is quite possably the strangest thing I have ever heard. I know many JWs have burned smurfs, but not cats.
A recovering Jehovah's Witness. Kinda like alcohol, but not as fun. Just ask J. Rutherford.
That's all I have to say about that.
Welcome Spike and truly sorry about the kitten, but Elders “motivate” other Jehovah’s Witnesses to contribute for every WTBTS publication produced and to disperse those documents on their own dime, before the next batch arrives.
Dealing with Witchcraft is probably only an Elder side line otherwise a medical practitioner, as you finally came to realize, is usually the best bet.
Welcome to the 21st Century, by the way.
Hello there Spike!
That is terrible!!! I've never heard of any JW burning up a "demonized" cat! But our family had to burn several "demonized" items. When my step-sister's non-jw mother died, my sister inherited a lot of her mom's belongings. Her mother was known to do yoga and I can't, for the life of me, remember just what was going on in our house at the time to make the elders think our house was demon possessed. They thought it was due to all the belongings my sister inherited from her devil-worshiping mother who did yoga. So my poor sister had to get rid of almost everything her mother passed down to her. She was really hurt by that! (I believe this happened in 1982)
I thought my local congregation was the only one that had become overwhelmed by the Smurf-burning (TM) mentality. I remember a particularly painful Smurf-burning (TM) incident where I was forced to burn a beloved Smurf graphic novel called "Astro-Smurf".
Was more hoopla ever stirred up by the JWs around something so innocent in the history of children's television? I can still recall how my Mom, with the utmost urgency, had me sit down and pen a letter to the WTBTS regarding whether or not the Smurfs were evil. LOL!
I still have their response here somewhere...which was a typical non-response, BTW.
Hi FriendlyFellaAL,
I would like to see that letter if you find it. I lost Papa Smurf because of the congregation here."Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford
Oh, Lord, I knew some of them had an exorbitant amount of hatred in their hearts, which is WHY they have no problem following the hateful teachings of that despicable org... Father, forgive me.
But to kill a tiny helpless animal so cruelly for the fear of DEMONS?! Where did you live, Salem, Massachusetts?
Father, please, forgive them... for they REALLY didn't/don't have a clue.
Peace to you Spike, and I am TRULY sorry for your kitten. Praise JAH, however, that He saves man... and beast. Your kitten will not be forgotten.
A slave of Christ,
I never knew Jw's had such a big thing about Smurfs until I started reading stuff on the Internet. I have never had any Smurf stuff. However, after we got married and Mrs. Thirdson moved in (last year) her Smurf drinking glass was added to our glass collection. Every now and then the Smurf glass gets used at the dinner table and every time we joke about it being demon possessed. Mrs. Thirdson finds the whole Smurf deal incredibly funny.
If any JW's come visit me I'll offer them a drink and make sure to use the Smurf glass.
'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'
Not the same, but similar. Those idiots thought our bonsai kitty was demonized. Fools wouldn't even do the research on the net to find out about bonsai kitty art.
Sad really, that a kitty should suffer just because they won't leave their cold insular world.