As you get older, do you find yourself gravitating towards softer music, or do you find you like the harder stuff as much as ever?
by Music Mouth 20 Replies latest jw friends
Surprisingly my tastes havent changed, they have just become broader
My mom listens to Metallica and Celine Dion
Lot's & Lot's & Lot's of Talk Radio.
and every once in a while some Frank Sinatra
My generations music is very, very shallow!!!
shake shake shake
shake shake shake
shake your booty
shake your booty
And most everything after that,
God, growing older is just so grand
I don't know if my tastes represent anybody other than me, but I'll share. When I was younger I was into more mellow stuff. I still like the mellow stuff, but as I have aged, I have gained a new appreciation for harder stuff. Not Motley Crue shit, but heavier that Elton John and Bread.
I'm 35 and I really enjoy the rock that is coming out now.
Even when I was younger, I could appreciate talent on both ends. I do enjoy some hard rock, and I enjoy soft music too.
Get this: I like Guns and Roses, but John Denver too.
I think that is pretty funny.
I like music in the whole spectrum of what's out there...
But like sex, I find the older I'm getting you just need more "down time". So although I LOVE my rock, I can handle the softer stuff a little more a little longer (less testosterone less rage).
But nothing brings me UP quicker than great hard rockin music, NUTHIN!
I wish I was still 20. I'd get UP at the crack of dawn if you know what I mean... hehehe
flicks bic
didn't check ... always loved anything that fits my ears whatever it is
Country Girl
My tastes have broadened as I've grown older. I still like the rock classics, but have come to love country as my main type of music. But that doesn't stop me, I still like my Greek music, Turkish artists, New Age, Soul, Gospel, and Folk. I like it all. But I still *prefer* Randy Travis, Alan Jackson, George Strait, and Clint Black. I never really liked hard metal at all.
What's funny is that I took my family out to a Greek restaurant last week, and my Mother (JW pioneer) and brother (JW MS) say that they like Hip Hop. That really freaked me out. hehheh.
Country Girl