UB , eyeslice
ok, I understand what u were saying now, but I still don't know what "strawman" means.
and I will say this with respect to both of u, and londoner too, I think Denver should have restrained himself, but, I don't actually disagree with it either. Rock stars and movie stars are very fond of stating political opinions and personal ones too. The time period Denver did this, was the 60 and 70's . It was as turbulent politically then as it is now, maybe even more so. JWS can be extremely annoying and often just seem to go out of their way to be difficult. By that I mean, not standing for the salute, not singing the national anthem, not bowing their heads during a prayer at an event. It seems to me they ask for the trouble. Now, I do not know what they did to Denver, apparently something that made him dislke them intensely. So what I think I am trying to say is, they sort of got what they asked for by irritating people. And JWS just love this too, they are as annoying as any people on earth can be, and then wonder why people dislke them, and scream persercution. it rather sounds like they got on his last nerve. Maybe he just had had it with them.
I don't see this as a breakdown of the very foundation of a free society, I see it as Denver as just PO'd and wanting to make a statement.It was his "party" and he did what he wanted.
I was at a Meat Loaf concert once and he became very annoyed with a group in the balconey and insulted them from the stage. They got up and left due to the humilation. He insulted religious people in general too, but mocking them for thinking his album cover was satanic.Also, he hated the Dallas Cowboys and was so mad he asked if there was anyone from Dallas at the concert. U can bet I did not raise my hand.
The point I'm making, stuff like this happens at concerts from time to time and u could find yourself bounced out just b/c u were from dallas texas.
That is why I said I did not exactly agree, but everyone here is certainly entitled to and opinion and i respect that opinion as well.