some JWs would fail a test to become the village idiot.
Change that to "most" and you've got my vote...
I never got that "peace and security bull$hit God says your gonna get your chance to make it and the minute they say "we did it" he kicks the hell out of them... oh wait this was that Jehober a$$hole now I get it never mind...
:I was a fairly new JW back in 1975 and never took the date seriously. Many took it very seriously and felt deceived when it didn't happen and the Society pinned the blame for "wrong expectations" on the rank and file.
oh dear folks, dull wit (& bad english) in plentiful supply here. fairmind, your a fool.
It seemed the lady was a medium and the previous evening had settled down to have a comfy chat with her spirit guide when she was advised that all contacts were on hold. She tried again and again and eventually got through only to be told,"I cannot answer your questions, we are all getting ready for Armageddon."
That is totally hysterical! Maybe the demons were tricking the medium into saying that, so she'd tell the JW, and let the gossip mill spread it around. Or maybe the woman wasn't a medium at all, she was just f^cking with the JW's mind. LOL
I wasn't a baptized dub in '75, but I was around the dubs very much, and I was really freaking out. I fully expected Armageddon to start in 1975. Dubs going house to house were known to say, regarding "goats," that "right, right, DON'T listen to me, but after Armageddon, I'M gonna be living in THEIR house..."
Why do you call me a “fool” pepheuga and how is it that my grammar was bad? I wasn’t trying to be witty, simply relating a true and hopefully interesting comment. Was there something in my comment that offended you? If so please let me know so that I can learn from my mistake. Thank you.
Someone with ready access will have to provide the numbers for baptisms, etc., in the '75 era, but I've seen 'em and can tell you that the number of baptisms took off like a rocket beginning in the late 1960s, right after Freddy Franz' book was released (the one w the chart that showed "6,000 years of man's existence on earth" would end in the fall of '75). The number of publishers went up accordingly. Then, all the way through the late '70s, the number of baptisms dropped off and the "peak publisher" figures actually dropped for a couple of years. You cannot look at these numbers without realizing "something" happened to impact the dub growth chart in those years; there's definitely a blip on the screen.
Don't let anyone tell you the "75 thing" was made up by disgrunted ex-dubs and a few misguided souls within. It was a very big deal from about '67 on, fueled by CO's and speakers at various conventions and assemblies ("Stay alive 'til '75") and only began to wane in the early to mid '70s when it became clear that way too many prophecies would need to be fulfilled in an awfully short amount of time. By '73, many dubs were backing away from '75 carefully with comments like, "Well, anything is possible with Jehovah, but, after all, we aren't serving with a date in mind." Some were, believe me.