why are there so many intelligent people in the truth, if its clearly hogwash?
i was wondering....
by myvalk 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
There are no more people who are of above average intelligence within the organization than in the general population. It's the big fish in the little pond scenario. You just notice the smart ones more. I've known a number of very intelligent JWs...but the ones with common sense, who have the ability to think for themselves, usually leave. Your average witness doesn't have an above average iq.
Double Edge
well, one phrase that comes to mind.... "You can fool ALL of the people SOME of the time; and you can fool SOME of the people ALL of the time; but you CAN'T fool ALL of the people ALL of the time."
Think of all the intelligent people that are atheists. (Except me, of course, but there are some!) Richard Dawkins comes to mind. You may not agree with him, but you have to accept he's pretty sharp.
Deciding what's right and what's wrong based on what the smart people do isn't going to get you where you need to go.
Doubtfully Yours
Some people, regardless of their intellect, have this deep rooted need to congregate and feel close knit with a group. And, believe me, if you live the JW life fully, there's no closer knit bunch than that bunch.
Also, there are the ones that buy into the 'paradise' dream, for whatever personal reason.
There's a group in there and will never ever challenge what the WTBTS says because they are 'God's Organization on Earth'.
Many, many reasons that have not one iota to do with whether the individual is smart or dumb.
On face value witnesses can seem well educated when compared against people of similar social backgrounds, particularly if that background is working class for instance.
Jehovah?s Witnesses as a group are taught to study Bible topics and present themselves well. They also may have better communication skills than others with a similar education and upbringing.
The fact is however it generally stops there. All their energy goes into developing these skills and nothing else. So aside from those things I don?t think they are any more intelligent then any other group of people. In most areas they lack intelligence because they have closed minds. -
I agree with DY, 'intelligence' come in many forms: emotional, physical, mental and spiritual.
I think being a JW has more to do with ones fears, insecurities, and dependancy on family than anything else. In other words, their emotional intelligence is very low.
Your question seems to indicate that you think that JW teachings are validated because smart people believe them.
Not necessarily the case. Some of the smartest JW's I know have some of the most serious doubts/problems with JW teachings. The problem is they feel like they can't leave. Their whole identity is tied up with the idea of being a Witness . . . that is not something you can easily turn your back on, even if you don't believe it's the truth anymore.
Will Power
I remember reading in one of those "defining mind control" books that the it is easier to fill in your own blanks when things don't jive - if you possess intelligence and creativity. Rationalizing the excuses to "back yourself up" in your wishful thinking - ie. live forever.
There are alot of very intelligent people who smoke too!
Country Girl
There's plenty of people with high intelligence, but not a lick of common sense.