TheEdge said:
: I thought this was a hoax, then clicked on the link to ''Thy Kingdom Come'' - so NOW what to believe? That 1914 is a year based on the dimensions of a pyramid (Russell's little hobby) - BIZARRE.
After reading your comment, I took a look at the website you linked to. It contains several misrepresentations, although it also contains some solid information.
First, Russell's 1914 and other early calculations were not based on measurements of the Great Pyramid, but on misinterpretations of the Bible and secular history. These chronological ideas were in place in Russell's thinking largely by late 1876. Sometime in the 1880s Russell and his wife became familiar with various writings on pyramidology, and they adapted the information to their own religious ideas. Russell "found" that pyramidology "confirmed" his 1914 and other dates. Thus, so far as Russell was concerned, pyramidology was an independent confirmation of an already established chronology.
Second, the website claims that "Russell introduced occultism into his religion by teaching that the pyramids in Egypt are divine omens." This is nonsense, because at the time, pyramidology had nothing whatsoever to do with occultism. Pyramidology was seen by many Christians in Britain and America to be a confirmation of mainstream Christianity. Indeed, its most outspoken proponents were well known and highly respected Christians. For example, one John Taylor wrote a book called The Great Pyramid in 1859 that kicked off the whole movement. His thesis was that the Great Pyramid of Gizeh contained confirmation of the Bible. One Piazzi Smyth, Astronomer Royal of Scotland, in 1864 wrote the book Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid. He expanded greatly on Taylor's ideas and even mounted expeditions to Egypt. He wrote a number of other books on his travels, and his first book went through many editions. It's still published today. In 1877 a famous Evangelical Lutheran minister named Joseph Seiss published Miracle in Stone, in which he argued that the Great Pyramid contains God's message for Christians. This book is also published to this day. Russell obviously got most of his information about pyramidology from Smyth and Seiss. Only after about 1900 did pyramidology begin to have the taint of occultism, so that by the 1920s there were many truly crackpot authors combining pyramidology and occultism. I believe it was that connection that forced J. R. Rutherford to jettison pyramidology in 1929.
Third, the website states: "Russell recommended his followers read the book, Angels and Women. He personally supervised its editing and said it was beneficial because it throws light on certain Biblical subjects." This is wrong, because that book wasn't even published until 1924 -- eight years after Russell's death. The truth is that Russell was mildly interested in a book called Seola which was published in 1878 by a Mrs. J. G. Smith of Vermont. She claimed that a fallen angel dictated the book to her. The book was extensively revised by a Bible Student, almost certainly under the supervision of J. F. Rutherford, in the early 1920s, and published in 1924 under the new title Angels And Women. You can find an extensive article on this here: .
My advice is that when you read webites like the one you linked to, doublecheck its claims before you accept them. There are enough resources available on the Web and on the JWD board to make this reasonably painless.