I have noticed in using the WT-CD that the use of the terms "Jehovah's Christian Witnesses" and "Christian Witnesses of Jehovah" dropped dramatically after 1980. Is there a reason for that?
What happened to "Jehovah's Christian Witn...
by blondie 11 Replies latest jw friends
Probably something to do with the shifting around of power and stuff within the org, and wanting more and more glory for the org.
From what I know and understand there was a splinter group who called themselves "Jehovah's Christian Witnesses" in Florida and they were getting people who were actually "Jehovah's Witnesses" coming to their Halls and getting them upset at the different teachings. It was even drawing some JWs away. I had heard the big thing was that if you go on vacation in Florida and you are looking for a Kingdom Hall, to be careful where you go and watch out for the actual name of the Hall. So that might be the cause of the change. Like I said, this is hearsay for me and I have no proof. But the time frame is right.
If I am not mistaken you can find this group on line. I saw a site for them once but you had to register to get in.
About ten or fifteen years ago, I recall there being a listing in our local newspaper for a group called "Jehovah's Christian Witnesses".
Strangely enough, the listing was in the classified ads. That didn't make much sense to me at the time, but I suppose they probably got the attention of the very people who regularly avoided the religion section of the newspaper.
In my Mom's case the listing worked because the very first thing she did was pick up the phone and call the number listed which played a recording bashing the WTBTS for inaccuracies and false prophecies regarding dates. She hung the phone up in disgust and said, "Apostates!"
Blondie has it right.
The expression "Jehovah's Christian Witnesses" was a preferred expression by a senior writer and GB member now recently deceased, whose intellect shall we say deteriorated in later years. I asked him to elaborate on his usage when it first appeared, and he explained that he wanted to avoid any Judaic connotation, but more importantly to emphasize the Christian nature of the organization to strangers and JWs alike.
The cut-off time period you refer to was marked by an examination of how JWs should view Christ, especially by Ray Franz. This term almost became a code word for deviant thought.
Some convention centers the Society owns are called "Christian Convention Center" for obvious reasons.
"By their fruits you will know them."
Hope this helps.
In my area years ago, there was a listing in the phone book (yellow pages) for Jehovah's Christian Witnesses. They were by the JW's definition, apostates. Quite a little group there for a while, then they just disappeared.
Maximus is right about the convention centers. The one in West Palm Beach is called West Palm Beach Christian Convention Center of Jehovah's Witnesses, or something like that. That is the convention center that the WTS purchased for 12 million and sold half of the land back to the city for 15 million, making a hefty little profit and still owning the real estate. Maximus can fill you in on the details, as I may have the figures wrong.
Part of the orgs breakup into different corporations includes one called "the christian congregation of jehovas witnesses."
thats how all the letters to the congregations are signed now.
The greatest consistancy of the WTBTS is their INconsistancy. -
Did yours have just the rubber stamp with the pseudo signature,
Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses,
and that letterhead,
Legal and Service Departments.
same corporation.You are in U.S., right?
you know max, i'm just a pimple on the bottom of humankind, but next time i go, i'll look for a letter thats posted on the bulliten board and get back to you on that.
yes, in the us of a here too.
The greatest consistancy of the WTBTS is their INconsistancy. -
don't know if you've seen this max, probably have, but it explains more than the wtbts did when they published this "news" in a recent wt. the wtbts buried it on a back page and when i was done reading it, i still didnt know what the hell it meant. this link straightened it out for me.
. http://christianitytoday.aol.com/ct/2001/004/25.html
The greatest consistancy of the WTBTS is their INconsistancy.