I actually work very hard at refraining from colorful language ( a politically correct term if ever there was one ) to this day, especially around children and the elderly. My wife and my I in private may use descriptive expletives around each other occasionally, but even then we try to keep it at a reasonably respectable level.
I ,however, can get way out of hand when discussing highly charged energy topics, or when someone or something has purely pissed me off! Then, euphemisms are no longer my option, the four letter words can fly out as a means of releasing an incredible amount of energy, they can be as sharp as swords.
Other times they are used to bring a little humor and added spice to things being discussed. Especially when in the prescense of my most trusted friends and companions. They sometimes have their place, though I do better when not reducing the quality of of my communication in any arena.
If at all possible, however, I try to restrain myself from thee indescriminate use of them, as they can be a negative reflection on ones self, especially in public, and it strengthens one's character not to resort to such, unnecessarilly.
Damn, did I say that right?