you mean they're not?!
How people would see modern technology if you went further in the past
by IronGland 13 Replies latest jw friends
Hell, yeah.
They'd be like, "Hey, a$$holes, where's the flying cars that you promised us, with the houses up on metal poles way up in the sky, so the cars could fly around them. Boy, you guys are really backwards. Duh, we could see the computers coming in the future!"
As high up as we are in technology, it is humbling to see just how truly behind the times we continue to be, anybody see that new mobile phone advertised lately, looks about as thin as 3 credit cards, and almost as small, we've come a long way but were still light years in the past.
Just a small correction to "In the 1900's, my bike would have been considered odd looking not because of the shocks, but because of the equally sized wheels.": The "safety bicycle", with equal sized wheels and chain drive to the rear was introduced in the mid-1880's, and gained dominance in the market within just a few years. The earlier "Penny-farthing" bicycle with the huge front wheel was already out of fashion by 1890, although a few continued to use them for a while longer. By 1900 the Penny-farthing was seen in sort of the same light that we now view a 386 computer running Windows 3.0.