anyone remember IBT time?
by heatherg 10 Replies latest jw experiences
no - what is IBT - an accronym I assume ?
sorry, International Break Time. 10:30 am every Sat during field service. If we didn't have any serious JW's in our group, we made it last til noon, just talking and eating! The best part of having to endure Sat mornings without cartoons!
Nancy Drake
yes I remember that! Is it a wisconsin thing? I just said it to some of my co workers the other's IBT time! But they just looked at me funny. They do that a lot....
SO many people from wisconsin on here.
Our routine was to meet at the K Hall at 09.45, have a text discussion etc that was supposed to only last 15 mins but often longer. Leave maybe 10.00, start "On the field" 10.15. one quick hour and off on a back call (phantom or otherwise) at 11.15 and home again or down the shops, time for a break in that schedule.
It always bugged me that one devoted a morning to it and had only one hour to put on the report. A big waste of time, in more ways than one
It always bugged me that one devoted a morning to it and had only one hour to put on the report. A big waste of time, in more ways than one
I always started my time when I got out of bed... If it's saterday morning and I'm out of bed SOMEBODY is getting billed for the time damnit! I would stop my time when I took off my meeting clothes... If I went to the mall after service and didnt' get out of my meeting clothes until 8:00 well then I got 12 hrs in service in one day baby! I could beat the National average in one long day... (actual service time maybe 2 hrs)
My friend and I would go and stand on the street corner downtown at 8am holding mags and talking to anyone that was interested, Mostly talked to then we would go for coffee and toast and then onto the meeting before field service and keep counting right through, that gave us an extra 2 hours, Lots of sisters did that,,, Had to keep up that hours quota ya know...
This is not r/t FS, but once i left after the sunday talk and went shopping. I was just about ready to quit going to the meetings anyhow, but to my surprise, an elders wife had done the exact same thing, she sure looked guilty to see me.
It always bugged me that one devoted a morning to it and had only one hour to put on the report. A big waste of time, in more ways than one
Exactly my feeling also
in a new york bethel minute
not to give the FDS any suggestions, but maybe if, on the report, instead of counting quantity, they counted quality they would actually get something accomplished with their minions. im sure jdubs would feel a lot guiltier about writing down that they had a good convo when they actually didnt than just faking a few hours... at least jdubs would get the importance and feeling of ministry instead of making it "how can we make these two hours go by the quickest?"
bethel jr.