Just a quick pole - who gives you the biggest laugh on this board - you have only two choices brownnose brownboy or scholar?
Brownnose or Scholar
by stillajwexelder 27 Replies latest jw friends
Brownnose. This is my choice and I'm sticking to it.
Remember JCannon? He was a bad joke. Brownboy's posts are a parody of JCannon's. This is no longer funny, although I must admit Brownboy's reasearch in word etymology has given me a good laugh.
Thank you for that if nothing else BB!
Scholar on the other hand has a very limited agenda which boils down to 607 and perhaps the authorship of the NWT which as he claims is "unknown and unknowable".
Pole - of the MA and BA in Linguistics Class -
Remember JCannon?,,,,,,,,,,What ever happen to him?
Check his post history. His demise on JWD is 100% "bible-based".
Thanks Pole but i don't think i could bare to read his crap again
LOL ;@)
BB nop SCHOLAR nop BB nop SCOHOLAR nop
Brownnose is in a class by himself. He gets my vote. While jcannon was similar, he had some basic differneces, being a homosexual jesus christ incarnate of our times. I don't find scholar that funny.
Ps, kls, so then the trick would be to eat something that you do want to see a second time before you review jcannon
They're funny in different ways. Brownboy is completely looney in anyone's book, and it takes reading only a couple of lines of his posts to see it. It's like reading a comic book. Unscholar isn't funny in the usual sense to anyone except ex-JWs, who find his antics a humorous mirror of the Watchtower itself.